troubleshooting guidance please

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hey everyone i got a broken car question, if anyone doesn’t mind giving any input or advice it would be nice. the past couple of months my car has had a problem were the idle bounces between 10000 and 20000 when the engine isn’t in gear. i figured it was really no big deal and something that could wait until other repairs had been made, such as the needed rewiring of the entire interior. but today when i parked i noticed some smoke coming out under the hood. when i took a look there was liquid all over the top of the bay, and a hissing sound like something was being depressurized. at first i thought it was a leaking radiator hose but when i swiped my finger i found out it was oil. my friend thinks its a combination of a bad airflow sensor and a cracked oil pan, but im thinking more along the lines of a bad head gasket. the car is an 87 accord lx-i. so before i go tearing into the car tomorrow i was wondering if anyone else had any ideas since ive only been toying around with these things for about a year now. thanks for the help.
Probably a blown head gasket. Mine blew last summer in downtown Boise... not a good place lol.
Is it just oil though? I didn't have straight oil leaking from it, just mostly coolant. It overheated.
Btw, do you mean 1000- 2000 rpms? 10000- 20000 sounds like really, really, high.
Boise, in Idaho. Nah, it's not a bad neighborhood, just busy.... it overheated then wouldn't go for another mile.

Hmmm... I'm not sure what it would be if it's just oil.... I'm pretty new to this shit, but thought Id try lol.
you might not be wrong not every break has the exact same symptoms, and its like your here to see it. but thanks for the input.
It's pretty rare that the head gasket ruptures bad enough as to where oil is actually coming out. The valve cover gasket or oil pan gasket are more likely suspects for oil leaks. The symptoms you're describing though seem to be more in line with a bad head gasket, so I really don't know for sure.
yup the oils coming from the pan, but that wouldnt affect the idle would it? hm maybe it was the pan and sensor after all. thanks