Virgin mobile cuts unlimited bw too

  • Thread starter Thread starter Briansol
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  • Replies Replies 39
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I guess it was just a matter of time


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hi There,[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Here at Virgin Mobile, our mission is to deliver an outstanding customer experience. Sometimes that
means making difficult choices in order to provide the best possible service to the greatest number of customers.

To make sure we can keep offering our Beyond Talk Plans at such great prices, we're putting a data speed reduction in place for anyone who uses over 2.5GB of data in a month.

How will it work?
Starting March 23, 2012, if you use over 2.5GB of data in a month on your Beyond Talk Plan:
  • Data speeds may be reduced to 256Kbps or below for the rest of your month. During this time,
    you may experience slower page loads and file downloads and lags in streaming media.
  • If data speeds are reduced, they will return to normal as soon as your next plan month starts.
  • If you'd rather not wait for your new month to start, you can restart your plan immediately through
    My Account.

Will it affect me?
Based on your activity for your last plan month ending in December, you shouldn't be affected.

If you continue to use the same amount of data as you did in your last plan month, you should not see
your data speeds reduced. Just to give you an idea, in order to hit 2.5GB, it's about 400,000 Mobile
Internet page views, about 90,000(!) emails (without attachments), 91 hours of streaming music
or 20 hours of video clips*.

This will not affect your ability to text or make calls with your phone.

How will I know if my data speeds have been reduced?
If you reach 2.5GB of data in a month, you will receive a text message letting you know your data speeds
will be reduced for the rest of your plan month.

By putting this data speed reduction in place, we're making sure we can deliver the same quality service
you've come to expect from Virgin Mobile. We hope you understand.

T[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]hank you.
Virgin Mobile
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[/FONT]I don't use that much data, so it doesn't bother me much anyway.

Frankly, i'm not sure that it's faster than 256kbs in the first place. heh[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
13279553 kilobits = 1.58304608 gigabytes
Straight Talk from Wal Mart just told my brother in law that he uses too much data on his unlimited plan and if he keeps doin it, theyll shut his account down lol.

He says he uses data for navigation and radio.
Verizon's 3G is unlimited I believe(at least for me it is). I know there's not much areas covered by Sprint 4G so they're basically on par...or at least in my location. If Sprint's 4G LTE is unlimited, I might switch to them. They're basically the same price as VZW even after my 22% discount.
Couple friends of mine are getting kicked off their Sprint plan because they use 16 gigs each per month, one of which is mostly roaming. Said they're costing the company thousands of dollars, and gave them 6 months to find a new provider.
Verizon's 3G is unlimited I believe(at least for me it is). I know there's not much areas covered by Sprint 4G so they're basically on par...or at least in my location. If Sprint's 4G LTE is unlimited, I might switch to them. They're basically the same price as VZW even after my 22% discount.

if you have an unlimited plan with VZW you can hold on to it indefinitely
it covers you for 3g or 4g... so when you upgrade your phone just renew your plan to keep the unlimited and get the full VZW LTE 4g network
if you have an unlimited plan with VZW you can hold on to it indefinitely
it covers you for 3g or 4g... so when you upgrade your phone just renew your plan to keep the unlimited and get the full VZW LTE 4g network


I did this a few weeks ago with my rezound....unlimited was still an option and rep confirmed its unlimited 4g/3g.

right now i'm at 2.25 gigs for this billing cycle
Couple friends of mine are getting kicked off their Sprint plan because they use 16 gigs each per month, one of which is mostly roaming. Said they're costing the company thousands of dollars, and gave them 6 months to find a new provider.

sounds like a law suite waiting to happen.

Lawyer: " Sprint, isn't it true that my client has an unlimited data plan/"
Sprint: "yes"
Lawyer: " isn't true that my client received notice that he is using to much data and was given 6 months to find another provider?"
Sprint: "yes but he was using it to much, who do you think we are, Verizon?"
Lawyer:" But it is unlimited, is it not?"
Sprint: : "yes"

Lawyer: :confused: "no further questions your Honor"

Judge: "Sprint is guilty, award of $2.2mil to the plantiff"
Hmmm... He is jewish...

i'd sue, fuck's a slam dunk's called a bait and switch...they offer you one thing and then they try to fuck you with another....1000's of law suites like that daily
same with ATT, when i upgraded, i thought i would lose my unlimited plan, but the guy said that if i keep upgrading they cant take away my unlimited. win.