Virgin mobile cuts unlimited bw too

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sprint doesn't have an LTE network at all....

From a report a few weeks ago they're going to in I'm guessing a few years(they're dropping 4G for 4G LTE; as in the regular 4G phones won't work with the new network).

if you have an unlimited plan with VZW you can hold on to it indefinitely
it covers you for 3g or 4g... so when you upgrade your phone just renew your plan to keep the unlimited and get the full VZW LTE 4g network

Wow, did not know that! I guess I'll be picking up a new phone sooner than I thought. I was a little iffy about it because even though I started using wi-fi more often(only at home though), I started using it as a hotspot for my laptop in other areas.
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sounds like a law suite waiting to happen.

Lawyer: " Sprint, isn't it true that my client has an unlimited data plan/"
Sprint: "yes"
Lawyer: " isn't true that my client received notice that he is using to much data and was given 6 months to find another provider?"
Sprint: "yes but he was using it to much, who do you think we are, Verizon?"
Lawyer:" But it is unlimited, is it not?"
Sprint: : "yes"

Lawyer: :confused: "no further questions your Honor"

Judge: "Sprint is guilty, award of $2.2mil to the plantiff"

Or the judge ask the plaintiff if he read the fine print.

Oh, no. Who reads all that small print?
"no your honor, i figured unlimited meant, unlimited"

Then Sprint points out in the fine print where they can cancel a contract at any point for any reason and or throttle people back as with limit their unlimited data.

No idea if that's in there but I wouldn't be surprised at all.
Sprint 4G is so slow you will never end up using much.

Even Tmobil has better speed than sprint - getting 13mbps down in NY right now.
Thats about the speed I usually get... when Im actually in a 4G area. I swear the coverage drops "levels" ONE street from my house.
I got a text message yesterday from AT&T saying I use to much data on my Iphone. Like I'm in the top 5% of high users.... only used 5990.22 MB of Unlimited and the wife used 546.58 MB of Unlimited.

They say I should use wifi more when it's available... and they are going to slow down my porn. Them bastards.:mad:
You use your iphone for pr0n? Not big enough screen for this blind guy.

You guys have phones that do more than just call people?

I rock this bad boy, I pay roughly $20ish a month for it.


I have this thing called a computer for the internets and a camera to take pictures. :D
Sprint 4G is so slow you will never end up using much.

Even Tmobil has better speed than sprint - getting 13mbps down in NY right now.

:shrug2: I pull over 10MB/s easily when I've measured it, still pretty good.

Then Sprint points out in the fine print where they can cancel a contract at any point for any reason and or throttle people back as with limit their unlimited data.

No idea if that's in there but I wouldn't be surprised at all.

I live in BFE and sprint has damn good coverage here. We even have 4G although it isnt advertised. I hope we end up being a test bed for LTE.
You guys have phones that do more than just call people?

I rock this bad boy, I pay roughly $20ish a month for it.


I have this thing called a computer for the internets and a camera to take pictures. :D

because of my iphone, i no longer need to carry a big heavy laptop and camera to perform my work duties when i am on the road. i can just remote into my clients directly from it!
because of my iphone, i no longer need to carry a big heavy laptop and camera to perform my work duties when i am on the road. i can just remote into my clients directly from it!

Similar. And I can stream HD quality tv to any tv, or watch movies on mine. I have an atrix 4g.

This came in handy last saturday when my gf got a new apartment and we had nothing in it, or anything to do so we watched some television shows from my phone, on the tv. Works flawlessly. :)
You guys have phones that do more than just call people?

I rock this bad boy, I pay roughly $20ish a month for it.


I have this thing called a computer for the internets and a camera to take pictures. :D

They have this thing called the post office where you can send mail to people, and these things called horses you can ride to get places...and this thing called fire where you can heat stuff up and make light.
I pull between 10-50gb of data per month on my phone since I tether it to my laptop... I'm darn glad it's a corporate phone on an unlimited plan and work pays for it. :ph34r: I MUST be the #1 data user on my tower. (Note to corporate spies: That does include tethering for business purposes!!!!)

It's 3G but I regularly pull 200-250 kilobytes per second on it. That speed varies hugely but it's plenty fast.
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I have this really bad problem with losing/destroying phones. I could never have a nice phone because I know week after I had it it would be crushed, dropped in water or never to be seen again. I just have no need for fancy internet phones.