Well remember my buddys new CBR?

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frame sliders wouldnt have helped much. the slide didnt do a whole lot of damage, the majority of the damage was done when it slammed into the curb and the wall
the last post was me i was just using my friends comp and forgot to change names
Originally posted by Jdubspeeds@Mar 28 2004, 04:52 AM
We were hanging out in parking lot with a bunch of cars that were meeting up to go street racing. As the cars were starting to leave we decided we were gonna go too. As I was riding away I hit the gas a bit on my bike to take off a bit fast and my bike starting sliding sideways, immediatley I backed off the throttle and corrected the bike. As I was slowing down I heard a engine rev up really high and then I see my buddy and his bike sliding on the ground passing me on my left hand side. I slowed my bike to a stop, watched my buddy slide to a stop without his bike, and then watched his bike slide on its side toward a sidewalk. The bike then hit the sidewalk snapped its frame and flew about 15 feet into the air and hit a wall. I feel so lucky it wasnt me, as the same thing happened to both of us because the parking lot was very slick and our tires were still cold.

your story doesnt say anyhting about going home. to me it sounds like he got what was coming to him. sounds like he was KICKING ASS in the parking lot trying to show off for everyone there! bottom line is he was riding out of control and crashed
your buddy is the moron who crashed his brand new bike...showing off. end of story hahah!!
I had a bike once till the bike in front of me slammed on the brakes I hit his rear tire. let's just say me and the guard rail had it out. over 200 stitches and a de-gloving injury and a month to walk again. like I said I had a bike once.
I've always wanted a bike...but if you've ever seen traffic in New Jersey then you know why I'll never buy one. A lot of guys around here die cuz they're showing off...don't get too crazy or you'll regret it.