What kind of Hood Pins to get

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Senior Member
Well, the hood latch on my CRX is dead so I was wondering where I could get REAL hood pins. Ones that would acutally hold the hood DOWN. I know there have been some discussions of this, like the one started by B, but I never heard if the JC Whitney ones he bought were acutally any good. I just don't feel like having my hood fly off on the highway.... :blink:

A couple of my friends just got the locking ones that you need a key to open. I would suggest these. They work great and help protect your engine parts from thieves.
Are any of the locking ones actually supposed to keep the hood on or are they just for protection and show?
The locking ones are just to protect the engine & show I had some carbon fiber ones but if you want something to hold down your hood go with some sparco pins
a pin is a pin the cheap ones work just fien i have used a set 2 years and if they havent broken by now they won't