What ocatne should i use on my stock b16a sir II?

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I just got my motor installed and i was wondering what the octane rating for the engine is?
Use at least 91... Its JDM motor they have better than 91 in japan. If you have access to higher than 91 use that. Otherwise try some 91 and use oxyboost sometimes.. see if you notice more power..
Yeah, the best anywhere in the states you can get without doing race fuel is 93 pump, which is what ill run/have started to run in the new b16, but ill get only shell vpower.
Originally posted by VTECPOWER@Jun 24 2005, 10:38 AM
Yeah, the best anywhere in the states you can get without doing race fuel is 93 pump, which is what ill run/have started to run in the new b16, but ill get only shell vpower.
[post=516041]Quoted post[/post]​

Nope. You can buy up to 100 octane unleaded gas in quite a few places.
93 = basic-super in nj
94 pretty common in nj
100 if you want it u can get it from a pump u just need to know where to go in nj

i only use 93 or higher in my b16
Originally posted by B16CRX@Jun 24 2005, 09:09 AM
If I'm not mistaken teh B16 is rated for 94 or higher. I use nothing lower than 93.
[post=515994]Quoted post[/post]​

91 is the minimum octane rating for premium in the US. A lot of places use 91, 92, or 93 as their basic premium.
CA = 91

Everywhere else = 93 usually

Some parts of LA have 100 at the pump.... VERY rare, aparently this is comon in other parts of the country. :angry:
Originally posted by 2000Si+Jun 26 2005, 01:07 AM-->
@Jun 24 2005, 09:09 AM
If I'm not mistaken teh B16 is rated for 94 or higher. I use nothing lower than 93.
[post=515994]Quoted post[/post]​

91 is the minimum octane rating for premium in the US. A lot of places use 91, 92, or 93 as their basic premium.
[post=516540]Quoted post[/post]​

I was referring to teh recomended octane for the JDM b16.
You tend to have better luck finding higher octances near auto sports venues. When I lived in Charlotte I could pickup 104 all day long if I went up near Lowe's Motor Speedway... just food for thought.
there's race gas at the pump by my house, but i can't justify filling up for 5.99 a gallon...

and, 91 octane works just fine on a JDM b16. so does 87... but it doesn't like it much.
with less than 91 the knock sensor will kick in and reduce your patial throttle/low RPM power through ignition timing and such.