what should i change my screenname to???

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I'm getting tired of this name, senate_9427. it started like 4 years ago when i skated and i couldn't think of a name. senate is a skating brand so i used the name. since then, just for the sake of not having to remember 50 different names, i've kept it the same. Now i want something new but i can never think of a good name. Help me out.
how about something like "imgayformakinggaythreadslikethis" ??
man you have no room to talk, i thought i had no creativity- you're just a fuckin idiot. why the fuck would you put your fuckin name as your screenname????

oh yeah, i don't do much. Ride BMX bikes, play on the computer, i don't got my crx anymore, work at fuckin Denny's, and go to college.
my main interest is music but i don't really wanna put a band name on here, what do you think?

i was gonna use "sickofchange", it's a punk band and it also sounds alright.
Man, why would you ask a bunch of people that don't know you and probably won't ever meet you in person in your entire life? Get an opinion that counts.
it's not like i'm picking a name for a baby or something, i jsut want something that sounds good, i just can't think of something.
Originally posted by senate_9427@Aug 22 2003, 09:38 PM
man you have no room to talk, i thought i had no creativity- you're just a fuckin idiot. why the fuck would you put your fuckin name as your screenname????

It shows that I am proud to be who I am. I like it, and it would be my AIM name, but someone took it, so instead I use SomebodysRomeo. That's kinda creative, I think. You are the one that works at denny's. Do a search for screen names or email addresses with the word "senate" in them. The do a search for the screen names or email addresses with "TedWright" in them. Let's see who is more original.
i didn't even say it was original. actually i said that i couldn't htink of anything so i just used that. now if i'm right, that sentence did not say anything about originality in it.

Also, i might work at Denny's but, #1 i said the job sucked before u even tried to diss it which makes u look even more stupid, #2 how do you know what i do there, for all you know i could be a damn store manager or some shit like that .

think of what you are going to say BEFORE you say it next time.
and if u think the thread is gay then don't reply, because obviously you came back to it after u said it was gay. :fuckyou3: :bash: :boxing: :beat: :usuck:
oh and on the subject of creativity, your fucking name is Ted, ha ha. whooaaaa, now thats a name you don't hear everyday!!!
Originally posted by senate_9427@Aug 22 2003, 10:01 PM
#2 how do you know what i do there, for all you know i could be a damn store manager or some shit like that .

whoooaaa look out, not the freakin' manager at denny's. better roll out the red carpet for that one. Sorry, I don't consider ten bucks an hour all that special. I apologize that my name Theodore Robert Wright. People call me Ted, or Teddy. What's that to you?? You have met someone else who goes by the name Ted?? Fuck, give me your address, I'll send you a cookie.
Damn , calm down "Teddy", im jsut fuckin around. being really bored makes you want to fuck with people. And fuck no would i want to be a manager with this shitty restaraunt, i've been here a month and i'm already quitting. but i have an excuse to work a shitty job. i'm a full time student and it's hard to get a job that works around your schedule.
no hard feelings, just playin wit ya.
settle down guys this is starting to sound like honda-tech threads.

come on man im sure you can think of a screen name without help, everyone is right when they say we dont know you so how can we put a name on you.how about this iworkatdennysandgotocollege thats all we know about you.
Originally posted by senate_9427@Aug 22 2003, 10:44 PM
being really bored makes you want to fuck with people.

:werd: I gotta pick up another hobby. :lol:

Denny's is the shit for eating at after partying at like 4 am though. The closest one is about an hour and 45 minutes away, but I used to work/live like right down the road, so I would always swing by before I went home. French Slam and shredded hash browns own. There is like no one that has shredded has browns up north. <_<
Originally posted by vtecsir1@Aug 22 2003, 11:45 PM
settle down guys this is starting to sound like honda-tech threads.

:( this whole place is turning into it
yeah the foods all right but every person that goes in there is tight as hell. i'll walk with only like 45 bucks on a 7 hour shift
Damn. There is this one guy that always waits on us when we go in. His name is Shane and he is funny as hell. One time, after I drank my coke like half way, I filled it all back up with rum, and drank about 3/4s of it. I went to the bathroom, and the fucker dumped it out and refilled it with soda. haha, but he's pretty cool other than that. Whenever I bring girls in, he always comes out with strawberrys and chocolate to dip them in, no extra charge........haha, you should try that, maybe you will pick up some chicks and/or get better tips. :lol:
how about I_Eat_Kids?

who cares man, it doesn't make a huge difference.
woooo woooooo, gotta try that one. shit my luck she'll sit down and i'll bring them then her fuckin boyfriend will walk up.
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