Where do you look for discontinued wheels?

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So everyone knows how this goes...
you have a set of wheels, or perhaps you get 3 wheels in some deal and you need to find another one...

I'm quite active in the local scene so I end up searching for a lot of wheels...
I have always been able to find a replacement wheel, no matter how old etc...

I used to turn to whiteyswheels as a last resort effort to find a wheel. It appears they have gone out of business or are other wise unavailable... and I just can't find this one wheel. Where do you guys usually look. I tried all the usual places like ebay and just about every rim shop you could imagine.

The story on this one... ImpactParts.com is semi local to me
they had these HP Racing D-9 series wheels sitting around for sale for a while
they are now in the process of going out of business
my friend gets an S10, buys the wheels at a decent price...
one of the rims starts losing its chrome finish after 2-3 weeks

the people at HP never even heard of a D-9 wheel, so who knows how long ago they were discontinued...
I have been unsuccessful in locating a "17tsw concept. If you have any suggestions it would greatly be appreciated. Thanks
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