why fmu's SUCK

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well im driving down the road and there is a red light and my car dies well im thinking WTF well i sit there for about 2 minutes trying to get the car started and i finally do and i get it in a parking lot and find out whats wrong the line into the fmu came off. So i fix that when i crank it i find out there is no more gas in my car (when i started there was over half a tank). but this just my first and probably only rant ever on here.


fmu's can suck my balls

i DONT miss those days for nothing....

fucking 5 mile drive takes off 1/8 out of the gas tank...

and its practically impossible to stay out of boost, even while driving city streets conservatively.

In order to keep up with the flow of traffic, you need to be in boost.
yea i got them and they were tight but it still came off. :blink:
So you're saying FMUs suck because you used shitty hose clamps? I fail to see the logic. I mean, that's like blaming the car because it ran out of gas...
<tard about to punch out NYC cabbie>
you piece of shit!
<apu voice>no, you piece of shit</apu voice>
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Apr 16 2004, 09:40 AM
<tard about to punch out NYC cabbie>
you piece of shit!
<apu voice>no, you piece of shit</apu voice>

that was funny as hell .... but it was really something you had to be there to see .... it just isnt funny when typed out
Abridged version of the story.

One night, E kidnaps me. about 10 min from home, I have to piss.
he keeps driving. i still have to piss.

Next thing we know, we're going over the GW bridge into he city. Now, if you've never been to the big apple, you should know that just about no one will let you use their bathroom- IF they even have one.
So, we scurry off, and find a gas station.... with a dumpster on the side of the building.
B whips it out, and lets loose the hour-held flow. *ahhh*
now, to get back to the story....
In addition, if you've never been to NYC, you should know that there's about 2 white dudes, 15 black dudes, and about 2312321312312 indian or other race of folks most would label a "Ghandi" who drive the cabs.
so we're approaching a light.
its red.
on the left side of the 1-way street, is a cab, with its door open, and there's a commotion going on.

white dude looking like a guy from hatebreed is bitching to the cabbie about something getting all in his face. cabbie is now out of the car too.
so, he tells him to get back in his fucking cab and leave.
more words are thown back and forth
"get the fuck out of here you piece of shit" says the hatebreedlooking mother fucker.
cabbie, in his eastern accent, "No, you piece of shit"

light turns green... traffic everywhere, we have to move or we will be pushed. lol

you had to be there, but it was quite possibly the best shit i've ever seen in NYC.