with all the flag day pics

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how much color do you have to add to drop .1 sec off a quater mile?
well see it depends on what and where you spray paint the yellow, for say
use this handy little conversion chart

one yellow type R painted emblem= .2 seconds off Q.M. and .1 second off R.T.

one yellow APC sticker=7.9seconds off Q.M. and you will always get a .50 R.T.

Adding additional APC stickers and Type R logos, will NOT increase performance however it has been noticed to make you cool. Everyone do it y0!!!

:D :p
sisteve...I started crying over that first one with out brian in it...the last one is the best one for one with brian in it, But I gotta get that picture from you woith out brian in it, I want it as my back ground...hahaha I love that picture!

Edit: Page two :owned:
mine might not be as good but it's worth a shot...my photochop skills are of a novice young jdmilan-son





sorry B,,,please don't ban me....lol
I'm bored and probably gonna regret this, but can anybody do anything with this?

Me and my friend sharon at work on Graduation day.
What the hell was it? I went to get some play at my girls and I come back and the thread was locked. What the hell???
you asked for it. sorry, it's a bit messy i had to use paint.

That's funny! That's gonna be my new owned pic. What did civicious post? I heard it was gross. I wanted to laugh not puke.
i could send it to you...i'd have to re-shop it though, i deleted it after i looked at it.....

it was....gross.

ever been to steakandcheese.com ?
I'll look at it, I can look and bangedup.com for hours.