words cant describe how funny this is

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OMG, what a fag!!! lol, he is freaking out about a fucking basketball hoop. he is screaming like a 15 yo british girl seeing the beatles for the first time... hahah he cant stand still thats fuckin great
:lmao: Good shit!

My great-aunt or some relative of some kind was on price is right once. We had the episode taped once, and when I was little my brother and I used to recite all the prices, over and over.
Damn, I have no sound on this computer.
omg too funny lmao. I was cracking up laughing. I've never seen someone freakout like that
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Fudgepacker for sure. That was a very nice shiny shirt, LOL.

What manly man says "I need a dinette!!!!"
Hopefully someone will run him off the road on his scooter.