You want black seats and carpet for $35.00???

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I've never worked with that stuff, but all of the other stuff I've seen attracts dirt like crazy, (dirt perma-sticks) rubs off on clothing, wears off quickly, and looks like general ass in a relatively short period of time. That, and it ends up all crunchy and hard..

I'll agree it LOOKS 110% better in the pics. I hope for your sake it stays that way.
Didnt rub off on the white shirt I was wearing, after I painted it nor on the white shirt I sat on while driving it.

And I hope for my sake it stays that way too :P

Also, after you run your hand over it a few times, the crunchyness goes away and it's as soft as OEM.
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used the same stuff on my great....carpet looks BRAND NEW! doesnt crimp up and crunch up...paint can is unusual from others..has a wide spray...did great job on interior!!
It'sa not paint... It's duplicolor Vinyl and fabric dye. The smell is going away and it's not fading as of yet either.
Just an update.. Over a week later and the smells completely gone and there is absolutely ZERO sign of the dye coming off or lightening up what-so-ever.