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Suicide off of Dubai's tallest skyscraper

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – A man committed suicide on Tuesday in a plunge of 39 floors from a segment of the world's tallest skyscraper in Dubai, according to the its owner and reports in the local media. The media reports quoted security officials as saying the man fell from the 147th floor of the 2,717 foot-tall (828-meter) Burj Khalifa and landed on a deck on the 108th floor. It is the first known suicide from the landmark tower, which opened in January 2010.
first suicide on that building.

and first suicide by jumping off building and landing on the same building.
I wouldn't want to jump from something that high. Too much time to think while falling. What if you change your mind at the 80th floor?

I would think people would bring a magazine or something to read while waiting to hit the ground.
I wouldn't want to jump from something that high. Too much time to think while falling. What if you change your mind at the 80th floor?

I would think people would bring a magazine or something to read while waiting to hit the ground.

Don't know how true it is, but I heard that on long falls like that you pass out before hitting the ground.
Thats the first time I've ever seen someone be be sucuessful and fail at the same time.
Yip, that and that it's really hard to breath falling that fast.

Counter point, skydiving?

Much higher fall and they are fine. You die on impact. Hell, there have been skydivers with failed chutes that hit the ground and LIVED. If anyone's gonna die from a "heart attack" it'll be the guy who doesn't want to die and thinks he's going to in a few seconds, much less the guy who's trying to kill himself.
Counter point, skydiving?

Much higher fall and they are fine. You die on impact. Hell, there have been skydivers with failed chutes that hit the ground and LIVED. If anyone's gonna die from a "heart attack" it'll be the guy who doesn't want to die and thinks he's going to in a few seconds, much less the guy who's trying to kill himself.

Yes, a couple have, but the vast majority of people that skydive aren't panicking, or thinking they are going to die.
until their chute fails to open... theres no way you ARENT shitting yourself at that point. If you can survive that (the undoubtedly stress-filled fall AND impact), then Id think someone trying to kill themselves, is expecting to die.

i just dont buy the "you die in free fall" crap.
I wouldn't want to jump from something that high. Too much time to think while falling. What if you change your mind at the 80th floor?

I would think people would bring a magazine or something to read while waiting to hit the ground.

i think it takes 8 seconds to land onthe ground from the empire state building so maybe 10 seconds, not that long to think about it
It may not be a long time to you and me, but I guarantee when you're falling from that kind of height 8-10 seconds would feel like 8-10 days.
burj dubai base jump |

According to Derrenbrown Blog / Site: The Burj Dubai is 818m high, and the terminal velocity of humans is 54m / S. As a person in free fall accelerates at 9.8 m / s / s, you reach terminal velocity after falling for 5.51 seconds. This requires only 149 meters, thus falling in the rest of the way to 54m / s (121.5 mph) you would hit the ground after a total of 17.9 seconds.
