Zombie Apocalypse flow chart

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Battle Pope

Well-Known Member
Okay so it's based on shit that happens in some zombie videogames but it's pretty funny.

Also, pretty large. Fair warning.


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I am in a rural town, and I am not military, nor with a biker, veteran, student, or systems analyst.

I guess I just grab the chain saw and shotty and get to work...
Plants vs. Zombies! hahahaha I actually play that game from time to time...
I keep trying to find a copy of Max Brooks Zombie Survival guide at some local book stores and they are never in stock.
World War Z is a good zombie book too...
I think I am just going to break down and order it off Amazon. I prefer hitting up my local stores simply because I like browsing and such. But I will own both books here shortly.
Multiple Resident Evils, Dead Rising, Dead Space, COD:WAW, Plants vs Zombies, left4dead might be in there somewhere...