Ef crx gsr knocking sound buyers beware

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Randy crom

New Member
just bought the car drove it 190 miles home and never took it over 55 due to snow I get home come back out to start it the next morning and it sounds like a bearing. He told me when I paid for it that it would need valve adjustment. Which it's sounded like. Now it's louder and I check the oil it's perfect no shavings and it's not thick. I paid a lot I'm feeling that he screwed me over. If so buyers beware stay away from st.joe Missouri joe McCoy and illazar Jdmflaco lanares they will screw u over. I don't have money to fix ither due to fixed income......... video below
well word of advice if a car is ticking/knocking ....... dont buy it..... 99% of dickweeds selling cars dont know or have the mechanic knowledge to diagnose a problem like that let alone fix it which is why the car got sold. Just take it as a learning lesson and move forward, it sucks I know and ive been there trusttt me
Yah thing is it wasn't a knock or a block tick and I had a knowledgeable builder there. It needed A valve adjustment. It was him covering up the fact he had just threw new rod bearings in it knowing the crank was fucked sometimes u can get away with hit but the 250mile trip home and the fact of the car having a heavier weight oil in it helped fill I started it and warmed it up and it was a lot louder then a valve tick. I'm sure that it wasn't knocking when I was picking it up. They got one over on me but thing is they don't even know they had a 2 owner si crx that I researched and sat in a barn for 7 years prior and was in Texas since 95 sucks that there's ppl out there that give us Honda owners a bad name


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Yah thing is it wasn't a knock or a block tick and I had a knowledgeable builder there. It needed A valve adjustment. It was him covering up the fact he had just threw new rod bearings in it knowing the crank was fucked sometimes u can get away with hit but the 250mile trip home and the fact of the car having a heavier weight oil in it helped fill I started it and warmed it up and it was a lot louder then a valve tick. I'm sure that it wasn't knocking when I was picking it up. They got one over on me but thing is they don't even know they had a 2 owner si crx that I researched and sat in a barn for 7 years prior and was in Texas since 95 sucks that there's ppl out there that give us Honda owners a bad name
Was 2001 when it was sold to a guy in Texas I have confirmed and spoke to the owner that had it in Texas
Yep he blamed it on me and no way I blew it cause I was only going 50 all the way home in a pouring storm with no wipers and he also told me replace the motor and bring it back lol I'm like not when u fucked me over