Recent content by civic15.8

  1. C

    another rice pic

    the picture is real they have different angles of the front and i dont think they would go throuhg all that trouble on each picture. and im beginning to wonder if those are even headlights because the lines flow to smoothly you dont see any gaps between the headlight and fenders.
  2. C

    another rice pic

    if its a repost sorry but everything in this place is but this is the most stupdist gayest headlight swap ever this beats them all i think
  3. C

    joke of the day

    3 vampires walk into a bar. The first and second order a cup of blood. The 3rd orders hot water. The other two ask him what the hell are you doing? The 3rd vampire pulls out a used tampon and says "Tea Time"
  4. C

    i dont know what to put.

    i thought you would like it B
  5. C

    i dont know what to put.

    it works fine for me
  6. C

    i dont know what to put. <---- not work safe no nudity but not work safe
  7. C

    my truck done

    yea she is thanks guys
  8. C

    my truck done

    here ya go tpp
  9. C

    my truck done

    yea that is as low as it goes right now i have to flip the ball joints to the top of the control arms and then it should sit right on the ground and it goes up to about what a truck looks like with rims not lowered. all the compressor tank and gas tank are under the bed dehind the axle...
  10. C

    Best bike vid evar!

    thats the first time ive seen someone try to do a stoppie backwards.
  11. C

    my truck done

  12. C

    my truck done

    finally got them on and the bed its kind of dirty but ill wash it tom and get better pics.
  13. C

    bought an atv today

    no thanks id probably kill my self
  14. C

    dot game.... beats Bs bubble game

    it got me
  15. C

    bought an atv today

    yea that the same way with the newer ones