Recent content by lewy10

  1. lewy10

    fat chick dies in couch - skin grafts to couch

    God rest her soul.
  2. lewy10

    WTT: 1996 civic hatch

    I have a 1990 Honda civic SI 5 spd HB black on black all original. For trade. Check out my pictures.
  3. lewy10

    Worst blown engine ever!

    pointless clearly pointless and a waste of a post space cheese9988
  4. lewy10

    You want black seats and carpet for $35.00???

    I got have it some of that seat/rug color in a can! SWEET!!!
  5. lewy10

    more sex......

    A work of Art!!! I wish I had one in my shop!!!
  6. lewy10

    FS: 1991 Black Civic Si - $500 - NJ

    Poor car. All that rust. My 1990 honda civic si was originally from New York. Thank god the car only spend one year out there. No rust on my Honda civic si.
  7. lewy10

    New member, new ride

    Welcome to hondaswap, where real honda buckets go through complete transformation restoring process. For racing, appearence and upgrading.
  8. lewy10

    Americas most hated family

    A family lost within theselves. very very sad.
  9. lewy10

    ZC or what

    I have some pictures of a real ZC motor black top email @ and I will send you some pictures.
  10. lewy10

    new dollar coin already F'ed. here b....

    Leave it to the Gov't to miss things up again. They deserve the "ATTABOY award.
  11. lewy10

    What parts can savage off a 88 ZC motor to reuse on my D16A6

    :mad: I wish I could, But I can't get the motor smogged out here in smoggy California.
  12. lewy10

    What parts can savage off a 88 ZC motor to reuse on my D16A6

    hey Blanco can you use the ZC tranny on the d16a6?
  13. lewy10

    What parts can savage off a 88 ZC motor to reuse on my D16A6

    Is there anything else I can savage off the motor itself? keep it coming.
  14. lewy10

    What parts can savage off a 88 ZC motor to reuse on my D16A6

    Its a ZC motor I can't get it smogged out here California. And plus it stampped with ZC on the block itself.