
My interests are varied, at best. Either way, you don't really care, do you? I thought not. Good, now that we understand each other, would you mind standing over there, please? Yes, that's right, I just asked you to remove yourself from my general vacinity....<br>....If you go and hold that exhaust pipe on that car over there for a minute, I'll give you a nice, crisp, five dollar bill. I don't care if it's hot....<br><br>Good Lord, you're not still HERE are you?? Well aren't YOU just a sucker for punishment. Either you don't know any better and have the intelligence of that pube in her teeth, or your self esteem is so low that someone is having a great deal of fun at your expense and is probably making money off you. Either way, here you are. Wow, what does that say about You?<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>STOP READING DUMBASS! GET OUTSIDE AND GO GET LAID OR SOMETHING.... (JE-sus!)


<span style=\'font-family:Impact\'><span style=\'color:red\'><span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\'>......Burn.....</span></span></span>


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