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  1. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    I didn't cry about my debt, I simply informed you of it. My debt is a fact, nothing more. Again, I am driven by more than money. It might seem odd to you, but for some of us it isn't all about the Benjamins.
  2. Sabz5150

    Obama's First Act As President

    Waaah, Hitler! Waah, Mein Kompf! Waah, socialism! I pity you sometimes, B. For all that you have and all that you are, it still isn't enough. Why, I do not know.
  3. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    See, you see things a bit differently. What you call "content", I call reliable, I call loyal. The people I work with are more than steps to a higher paycheck for me. These are my friends, my family, the ones I work alongside every day to make ends meet. Life to me is more than how much I make...
  4. Sabz5150

    Obama's First Act As President

    And there's Godwin's law, just in time. Now you know this thread is full of bullshit and fail.
  5. Sabz5150

    Obama's First Act As President

    Where the fuck was that when the warrantless wiretaps were all the rage?
  6. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    The rich get tax cuts. The poor get budget cuts. Good little conservative... towing the line like you always do.
  7. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    Success is what you make of it. If you did all that work and are still bitching, then the problem lies with you and you alone. Me, I'm happy with my income, job and life. If you are still scraping shit off the table to claim as your own and you make that amount of money... you got a problem...
  8. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    First and foremost. Fuck you. We straight with that? Good. Secondly, you're all about shifting YOUR burden onto us with a "flat tax"... yeah let's see how much we can muster when we use the lowest common denominator as our base. We'll go ahead and let everyone pay the LOWEST amount of tax and...
  9. Sabz5150

    Obama's First Act As President

    As do I. Except I happen to care about more than *me*.
  10. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    Great, I've got double the debt and half the income. Shut the fuck up.
  11. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    So you think that the one who cannot readily afford it should cough it up?
  12. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    You want a flat tax? Nix the sales tax. You claim you know economics, you know that sales tax will slant the whole "flat tax" thing towards the rich.
  13. Sabz5150

    Obama's First Act As President

    Probably not. All they care about is their money, nothing more. Well, that and their guns.
  14. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    Sure he pays more, but he can afford it.
  15. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    Why do you rob banks? Because that's where the money's at. Those who have more pay more. It's as simple as that. I wouldn't bitch if I made his salary.
  16. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    So I take more shit for being at a lower rung?
  17. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    Let's imagine two frugal traveling salesmen. They each have to buy a new car every four years to (say) keep up appearances, and they need reliable transportation. (One guy makes 20K, the other 300K) Run the numbers on a the RATE of total income each pays on on 5% sales tax...
  18. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    Income tax = progressive. Sales tax = regressive. In a progressive tax, the more you earn, the higher your tax rate. In a regressive tax, the less you earn, the higher your tax rate.
  19. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    Cool. You nix the income tax, I nix the sales tax. Let's see how that works out.
  20. Sabz5150

    How to be a good citiizen under obama's rule

    And how much did you gross, exactly?