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  1. totalburnout

    Anyone here work out?

    Red meat is very difficult to digest compared to poultry and fish. Fiber aids in digestion. I love Mark Bell and Joe Rogan but any diet as extreme as the carnivote diet will only ever be a diet and not a long term nutrition plan or lifestyle.
  2. totalburnout

    Anyone here work out?

    Just try a good ole primal/Paleo type diet that is less extreme. Eat real whole food, cut milk & dairy, cut non sprouted grains, and drink coffee, tea, or water. Carb sources are veggies, rice, beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes. Protein should be at least the size of your fist. Carbs the size...
  3. totalburnout

    2018 - year in review

    No more restaurant work? How about you B, you stay with that company that kept extending your contract?
  4. totalburnout

    2018 - year in review

    Yes Hosmer. **Guess he's still around .
  5. totalburnout

    2018 - year in review

    Well put. Amazing how emotionally charges things can be. I just learned from your post about Airjockie and ripperbone. Jarring to hear. I remember thinking how crazy Airjockie (forget his first name was it Clayton?) was to have so many cars at all times. He sure loved his toyotas and datsuns...
  6. totalburnout

    Anyone here work out?

    You do you, I'll just expand on my perspective a bit more so you know where I'm coming from. I would be critical of the plan, something i seldom do because having some sort of plan is generally better than nothing because it's just not appropriate unless you are a very small guy. I'm making...
  7. totalburnout

    Anyone here work out?

    ...or just multiply your bodyweight by 12 for a quick and dirty BMR calculation. 1600 calories = eating for an inactive person who weighs 133lbs. *I don't want to be a Debbie Downer or Negative Nancy here. I can get behind any diet that eats real food. I've been doing this for about 20 years...
  8. totalburnout

    Anyone here work out?

    Slow cooker, Instapot, or baking in large Pyrex glass pans. Brainless bulk cooking that takes almost no effort.
  9. totalburnout

    Anyone here work out?

    Body fat is lost through a cumulative effort. Fat cannot be targeted in specific areas. We refer to this as fat cannot be "spot reduced" like many who say, I just want to lose some weight in my stomach or thighs/butt. Use a website like that has a total daily energy...
  10. totalburnout

    ePhone and eFax

    Google Voice does free voicemail transcription that can be emailed to you along with the recording itself. RingCentral bought eFax or some similarly named company when I had it, so my service was moved over to RC. Not a terrible service for ~$80/yr. They can fax and receive fax to/from emails.
  11. totalburnout


    Ahahaha. I remember when younfirst startrd posting on these forums. You've come a long way!
  12. totalburnout

    Anyone here work out?

    The need to supplement is strictly based on personal needs. If you are eating adequate protein for your goals then there is no need to supplement with protein. Getting protein from whole food is much healthier but there are certainly benefits to supplementing. Mainly the benefits are cost...
  13. totalburnout

    Anyone here work out?

    Used to own a gym where we had the opportunity to hang out with and be coached by some world class coaches, athletes, doctor's, business and self help geniuses. Happy to help if you have any specific questions. Everything works. Some stuff only works for short periods of times or to look a...
  14. totalburnout

    From CRV onto Rav4

    My friend was hot to trot on the RAV4. Hard for me to get behind .my dad had one when I was a teenager and it was about one of the least cool cars I could think of besides a PT Cruiser. It would take a lot for me to get over that emotional trauma. They do look so much better now. I just picked...
  15. totalburnout

    Happy Birthday B

    Happy belated!
  16. totalburnout

    New Car-----Flammmeee onnnnnnnnnnnnn open house

    What a grown up you have grown into. This is exactly how I would have looked at the break even analysis.
  17. totalburnout

    Tax Season 2016

    As a new homeowner, what, if any tax credits are out there for betterments/improvements to the home? We did not do much last year but will probably spend a significant amount ($50,000-$100,000) in bettering our property this year.
  18. totalburnout

    Tax Season 2016

    Anyway to make up contributions for 401k if you didn't max out the $18,000 during the 2015 calendar year?
  19. totalburnout

    Tax Season 2016

    Discriminate = underwrite. It's a joke that insurance companies cannot properly underwrite the risk, so the premiums cannot be distributed the way they should be distributed based on actual risk. They're limited to age bands and things like smoking. If you're a smoker, you earn a worse rate. If...
  20. totalburnout


    Enjoyment > all else, if the activity is even mildly healthy. I would just be sure to eat adequate amounts, lift weights, and also incorporate the HIIT work so that you don't wind up skinny fat with stress fractures, or IT band syndrome, or any of the other nasty stuff that comes with...