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  1. Mrs. Phyregod

    Just finished my first website

    Site looks good. Love the pictures! :thumbsup:
  2. Mrs. Phyregod

    Hi I am new :)

  3. Mrs. Phyregod

    happy b day phyregod

    Yes, it is!
  4. Mrs. Phyregod

    Happy Birth/Turkey day TurboMirage

    Happy Birthday!!!
  5. Mrs. Phyregod

    happy b day phyregod

    I would say it, BUT I don't want to make him sadder. :(
  6. Mrs. Phyregod

    happy b day E_SolSi

  7. Mrs. Phyregod

    kid batman spoof

  8. Mrs. Phyregod

    Welcome our new moderators!

    Congrats! I may have to post some new pics as a congratulations gift! ;)
  9. Mrs. Phyregod

    The "We just jumped out of a perfectly good airplane!" thread!

    Definetly makes life great! What a fucking rush-I'm going to have to do it again!:D
  10. Mrs. Phyregod


    Hello Hello! :)
  11. Mrs. Phyregod

    happy b day gomezkun

    :toot: :bday:
  12. Mrs. Phyregod

    Mrs. Taco completes her first Triathalon!!!!

    Congrats Mrs. Taco!! I would not have been able to do it.
  13. Mrs. Phyregod

    HS gear poll

    The original pic didn't show up on my computer.
  14. Mrs. Phyregod

    So, about life...

    I agree with B. Reality is sad sometimes.
  15. Mrs. Phyregod

    Happy B day Justin

  16. Mrs. Phyregod


    SOO... I know this is not the place for this....BUT I'm drunk and I just wanted to say I love you guys!!! Hope I spelled everything right... <3
  17. Mrs. Phyregod


    Good idea...did you hear (well read) that Phyre.... ***hint hint*** :)
  18. Mrs. Phyregod


    That was a sad day for me. And no more diamonds since then....lesson learned. Not that i purposely lost it...