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  1. ReDCiViCSi

    mall shooting in Nebraska

    Yea that sounds about right that's exactly what i'll do? fucking retards
  2. ReDCiViCSi

    mall shooting in Nebraska

    Wow.... That's all i have to say. Pretty much quitting this whole forum. Reckedracing and E solsi are the stupidest mother fuckers i have ever talked to in my life.
  3. ReDCiViCSi

    mall shooting in Nebraska

    It's fine man, my lawyer get's paid $400/Hour to handle any and everything for our family. And it's only when i go to the i said. which is MAYBE once a month. I wouldn't worry about me i know lot's of kids that take them much worse places way more often.
  4. ReDCiViCSi

    I appologize...

    I have been on a few other forums, one i've been on for like 5 years. Just different on here i guess. I get it now bad before.
  5. ReDCiViCSi

    mall shooting in Nebraska

    I'm not getting caught for anything. Thanks though.
  6. ReDCiViCSi

    mall shooting in Nebraska

    How is that fucking it up? I've never got in trouble for it, don't plan on it. E Solsi you need to calm down man, seriously. I'm waiting to read a thread like "Man dies from massive heart attack while on" From the way you get all pissed you HAVE to HAVE grey hair or no hair at...
  7. ReDCiViCSi

    mall shooting in Nebraska

    You are possibly the DUMBEST person i've ever talked to on here.... When did I ever say, yes I bought my own gun at the store or I'm legally allowed to carry one? I don't think i've ever said that. I said i have one, dad gave it to me and i keep it in my car. Everybody that knows me...
  8. ReDCiViCSi

    I appologize...

    nah i'm not getting pissed about anything. i honestly don't care either way. thanks though =) glad some people are nice on here.
  9. ReDCiViCSi

    My girls

  10. ReDCiViCSi

    mall shooting in Nebraska

    Damn....both of the shooters in the mall shootings were like young....that's really
  11. ReDCiViCSi

    mall shooting in Nebraska

    E Solsi....doesn't have even the slightest sense of humor at all. Fuckin mr. clean
  12. ReDCiViCSi


    i know. thank you. =]
  13. ReDCiViCSi

    I appologize...

    Lol, i doubt it but there's always a chance for anything to happen...
  14. ReDCiViCSi

    Renamed: Argue with ReDCiViCSi thread

    Thanks...?? not to sure what to say to that... glad everybody treats me like im 12 just because i'm a month shy of 18...
  15. ReDCiViCSi

    D15B Vtec swap/boost/vtec/?

    Ya i do that too. I need to install a tach, but im not until i get the motor an everything.
  16. ReDCiViCSi

    My girls

    eh.... hi?
  17. ReDCiViCSi

    ricer pic of the day

    both made me laugh!
  18. ReDCiViCSi

    Renamed: Argue with ReDCiViCSi thread

    She's an ONLY CHILD!!!! and yes she is a daddy's girl. I've stood right there when both her parents said she gets all they're money when they pass....some people.... Money isn't everything you know, some of you guys are seriously kinda fucked up...
  19. ReDCiViCSi

    I appologize...

    I got home about ten min. ago from her house. She made me dinner and we watched a movie, fucked then fell asleep then i helped her do something with her computer then i drove home. She's not fake, definately real guys. Thanks though. I may have a few more pics like this...but idk...