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  1. D

    For all the cat fans CATS + LSD

    That's fucked up. :(
  2. D

    WD-40 + Fire = Bad

    Hooray for Darwin! When I lived in NY, we had fruit trees in our yard. Gypsy moths used to like to nest in those trees. So my dad would douse their nests (kind of gauzy and flimsy) in WD-40, then torch em up. :)
  3. D

    a1 to b1 swap

    ^^^ Yep.
  4. D

    Curves vs Bones Slight Work Warning

    Salma for sure. /thread
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    yet ANOTHER use for duct tape!

    I hope he regularly waxes his ass, or he's gonna be in for it.
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    Who here has a WRX again?

    Jeebus. I see why you said "failed hardcore". The no cat thing doesn't surprise me, but the hood scoop thing blows me away. Do they fail stock STis? Those things have gotta have stock scoops higher than 3".
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    a1 to b1 swap

    I believe the 90-93 Accords were all OBD1.
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    Who here has a WRX again?

    So the only thing they failed you on was the downpipe? That's not a huge deal....swap stocker in, get inspected, swap stocker out.
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    a1 to b1 swap

    Well, he said he's got an F22A1 in his car right now - didn't that primarily come in 90-93 Accords?
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    i hate my friends...

    The white chick looks skanky. The black chick wins, hands down.
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    Spears, Britney... Milf? (Mild WW)

    That's ex-b00b.
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    07 mini's

    It's a Mini - what did you expect? Understated, elegant styling?
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    ROFL - cats that look like hitler

    Also, make sure you check back into that link every few days - he's been adding pictures almost constantly. I think he started with 40-ish.
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    Who here has a WRX again?

    Doh. :( What are your mods again?
  15. D

    ROFL - cats that look like hitler

    The definitive depository: You can thank me later.
  16. D

    Spears, Britney... Milf? (Mild WW)

    I'm very happy with the DDs I've had for the past 4 years. :D
  17. D

    Who here has a WRX again?

    Never driven a Civic, so I can't help you there. However, I do wear a size 13 shoe, and my problems are minimal. Every once in awhile (like, once a month), I'll nick the side of the brake while clutching. That's it. I'm 6'3", and my seat isn't even all the way at the back. It's got a very...
  18. D

    Who here has a WRX again?

    Nah, I'm not real big on taking pictures. Truthfully though, it probably looks exactly the same as the last time I posted pictures, which was probably 2 years ago. :) I keep my cosmetic mods to a minimum. It still looks almost completely stock on the exterior, and that goes for the twin tips on...
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    a1 to b1 swap

    The tranny will mount up, you'll just need a VTEC ECU (I forgot the code for it) and you'll need to wire VTEC. You may have a small mount issue, but it seems unlikely. That's about it. Oh, the header on the B1 probably won't bolt directly to your exhaust....that'll need to be modified by an...
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    l337 7yp3 |5 d4|\|g3r0u5

    0h n0es!!!!!