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  1. lsvtec

    Linspire and a windows domain

    And Samba will run on any distro, doesn't have to be Linspire.
  2. lsvtec

    Linspire and a windows domain

    It depends on your domain controller. My info about Samba is a little old but last time I knew, Samba was not compatible with Server 2003 if you are using Active Directory. They were working on client support (and I believe they were close) but I am not sure. Look for Samba, it does handle...
  3. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    I am open to any papers you might have published or any research you have done on this subject. Until then, your arguments are just as "disconnected" from reality as mine. I, at least, admit I don't have anything solid in each post where it is true.
  4. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Right, and I should believe you why? So you lived in the UK for 2 years, the key here is probably stationed which automatically puts you into contact with people most like yourself. This is only the first problem with your "evidence", the next would be: did you ever go live among any other...
  5. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Okay, except that you have the same level of proof I have to back yours. Anecdotal at best. For every story you have of "loving eachother" and "acceptance", I will show you unemployment numbers, scholarship opportunities, etc. that show an inherent bias against anyone that tries to be...
  6. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    That is the key, you have to "be English" which is exclusive to being anything else. Here in the US people can be American and Forni (meaning anything Foreign) as long they drop anything from Fornish that breaks the law here. Edit: I just want to add that the above is in no way based on solid...
  7. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Sure, but you cannot discount social/political factors. Ultimately each individual is responsible for their own actions. Here is why I believe both parties are to blame in Europe (the parties being Muslims and non-Muslims). Europeans are extremely culture centric, they expect an immigrant to...
  8. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    I have even less experience with "the rest of the world" than I do in Europe so I didn't want to extend that far.
  9. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    You clearly target the people practicing Islam.
  10. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    My problem is that you assume these behaviors are Islam rather than Arab/Persian/Afghani/Bangladeshi/etc. culture, or their upbringing, or anything else. Islam is the first assumption you make when you have no basis for thinking that. The following are my own thought/theories and have very...
  11. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    I think that you are referring to Iran enforced Hijab. I am not sure how they justify it but there are Ayatollah's in Iran that disagree and use the Surah 2, 256 (No compulsion in religion) to support their claims. Many of the Iranians I know here are upset about the rule for 2 reasons. First...
  12. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Actaully my post was correcting your usage, Sharia and Jaafari are not exclusive. Sharia being Islamic law, and Jaafari being the twelver Shi'a branch of Islam. I never confused your usage of Sharia with Shi'a the post states that even the most extreme Shi'a do not require the burka or niqab...
  13. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Wrong again, Sharia does not imply Sunnah or Shi'a. It only means "Islamic Law". Jaafari is a name used for Shi'a that follow the lineage of all Twelve Imams (as opposed to those that branch before the twelfth) taken from the name of the Sixth Imam, Jafar as-Sadeq. It is not even comparable...
  14. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Hello and welcome to the same old partisan crap. You know, you are responsible for most of this partisan name calling on HS (which so say you so hate...). Lets see, your experience is all of 3 men you met in the Military. If this qualifies to you as any kind of cross section of opinion or...
  15. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Again, not true. Shi'a, even the most extreme Shi'a, do not require the Burka or niqab. In the Qur'an it clearly states that women must have access to the same justice that men do which means equal access to government as well. You really need to start offering proof for the outrageous crap...
  16. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Prove it. Show me the Qur'an where this is true.
  17. lsvtec

    Computer is being shipped

    Unless you want to know how the guts of the OS work, I wouldn't mess with Gentoo. It takes me longer to do the sys-admin like stuff on my Gentoo install than it does on my Debain (the base for *buntu). But I like to tinker and I like how customizable Gentoo is.
  18. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Because you certainly have the experience to back that up. I am sure that you wouldn't say that if you, say had lived in the Middle East (not just been stationed there but actually lived there), or spent time with a group of Muslims (larger than the three you met at work). There is no way you...
  19. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Right, and that is relevant how?