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  1. P

    There are no Canadians

    Not Canadian but currently located in Oakville :ph34r:
  2. P

    Nology Plug Wires OR NGK Sprak Plug Wires 4 94 GSR

    I was telling a local shop that Honda OEM wires are best and he whipped out some wires branded JVC or something like that. He takes out one of my wires and plugs it into a mechanism that shows the spark generated by the spark plug. HE tested my OEM plug wire against his JVC brand and the JVC's...
  3. P

    Ignition Timing

    Yowsa, great explanation. Thanks a lot B16!
  4. P

    Ignition Timing

    :S anyone know why the mechanic messed around with the ECU?
  5. P

    Ignition Timing

    ^^ Thanks, that helps a great bit. Another good question then, I saw the mechanic mess around with the ECU and he jumped the OBD connector (the one you use to check for codes I think). Is there any reason for this and does one need to do it?
  6. P

    Ignition Timing

    Hmmm so cylinder #1 is the one furthest from the Tranny... Damn, a mechanic did it last time but he used the one closest to the distributor which I'm guessing is cylinder 4 :| What consequences would this have? He said he set my timing to 15 degrees... As for when I do it myself this weekend...
  7. P

    Ignition Timing

    I'm currently learning to do things under the hood for myself so here goes. I got a B16A and I want to adjust the ignition timing. I have access to a timing light and everything but I have no idea what I'm looking for when I'm "shooting" at the crank pulley. :( It'd be great if I could get...
  8. P

    Ok Forum Gurus

    ROFL! Ok yes I am a n00b at forums, I ain't ashamed to admit it either. So please tell me, drop me a PM or something. Tables make things so much easier to read.
  9. P

    Ok Forum Gurus

    How do I use HTML or BBCode or whatever to put a table in my posts? I think it helps make listed information a lot easier to read Thanks a Lot!
  10. P

    Where in NYC can I buy?

    Cool guys! Thanks a Lot
  11. P

    Where in NYC can I buy?

    Hey guys, sorry if this is the wrong forum for this topic but I wasn't too sure where to post it. All I would like to know is where in New York City can I get performance parts for my Honda at reasonable prices? All replies appreciated.
  12. P

    Time for a new suspension

    Thanks Sportline! I think I'll go with the HP's.
  13. P

    Time for a new suspension

    So no one has used these before?
  14. P

    Time for a new suspension

    Of course literacy is not too much to ask, in fact I always try to encourage proper grammar when I see my friends on MSN typing absolute rubbish such as "i knoe, kewl and becuz." Please forgive me if a few grammatical casualties slipped by me however I think that the important thing is that I...
  15. P

    Time for a new suspension

    Ok now I'm on a budget. I've seen the Tokico Illumina Kit for my EK-4 Civic for $450 on E-bay... I think thats a pretty good price. ANy other suggestions? I want it mainly for street, the adjustability wud be nice for a little Auto Xing but its not needed I jes need new shocks and springs.
  16. P

    b18c into 2000 civic ex

    I would also like to do this swap on a EK-4 chassis... All comments appreciated
  17. P

    ls/vtec maintenance

  18. P

    LSD owns j00!!! Well simply put there are different types of LSD's LEts make this reaaaalllll simple. One of them instantly Locks the differential together when traction is lost so both wheels spin. The other type sends torque to the wheel with more grip slowly so u get a...
  19. P

    Heat Wrapping my Header

    Actually they don't sell wrap specifically for headers here... They call it marine wrap and I got it at the hardware store from a big roll. No straps either so i had to improvise by tucking it in and pulling it tight with a pliers. Ok so everything is in now and it feels sweet :) THanks a lot...