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  • Users: djyox
  • Content: Threads
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  1. D

    Getting into ice racing...

    ... and was thinking of picking up another civic. I've sold all my hatchs, now I kinda wish I kept them, or at least the non-titled '90 si. Anyhow, I will be doing lots of work to it, it will be a race only car, and will only see the road when its being pushed or on the trailer. I have to...
  2. D

    Sell your old cell phone

    I saw this on the news tonight, and so I don't know if anyone else has seen this site, but they pay cash for your old phone, and will pay shipping. They mail you a box, with postage paid, and then you mail them your old phones. Check em out I'm getting $10 for 2 old...
  3. D

    Just played GT4 Prolog

    Yeah, so all I have to say about it, it is totaly sweet...its a lot better than GT3, graphics are better, tracks are Way harder, the license tests are much harder. Everything about the game just seems more relistic. I don't know if any of you have your old logitech wheel like I do Here, but if...
  4. D


    lets see your reaction time... so far .230
  5. D

    PS2 people!

    I've been looking into doing the PS2 hard drive thing, and that looks like a wast of time/money because you can only access it with in a game, and there are no games for it, or its used for linux...So next on my list was the x-port, and I dunno about this if its worth buying or not? I was...
  6. D

    make dvd's w/o a burner?

    sounds like a rip off to me, what do you guys think? is there a way you can actualy do that? I've heard of turning a speaker into a microphone....but a cd-player into a cd-burner???wtf? :huh: I dunno if this is a repost or not, if it is, please delete..
  7. D

    SWEET!: Wakeboarders, skiers, ect...

    So you don't have friends, or friends with boats, but you love water sports? then CHECK THIS OUT!!!! :blink: :worthy: Now is that fucken rocken or what? I don't wanna fuck up the surpise for anyone... Just go to the link..You must have flash! I want one! B)
  8. D

    Job of my dreams!

    Well I heard about the best job I could think of, they are looking for a inexperienced marine mechanic to be trained, and if it works out good, sent to school, witch they pay for...and on top of that, they are looking for someone to build/maintain a basic KICK ASS! I don't think it...
  9. D

    Name that song!

    Just wondering who sings that "cold heart bitch song"??? I dunno the title, I thought it was cold heart bitch, but I dunno....let me know if you guys know....its rock
  10. D

    I've Been Robbed....

    Jesh I left home about 2weeks ago, and just got back now...I was still on the internt there, but only on 56k...and I was like..."AHHH this sucks" So coming home to jump back on cable sounded great...well I wake up this morning, to check out my speeds, because it is sweeming VERY VERY SLOW! so I...
  11. D

    What do you think of my website?

    Jesh a lot of websites have been posted on here....well I might as well do the same. I just got done(well as far as it is now)like 15min ago. So check it out and tell me what you think, I know there are no graphics..thats because all I got on this computer is you can tell from...
  12. D


    :o That is all... :( I just saw it on the news ABC I know some of you on here grew up with him....come on, show yourself!!! I know he was funny looken, kinda boring...etc.... :ph34r:
  13. D

    cable speeds

    Alright I know there are small tricks you can do to make the speed go up on your cable modem. Anyhow I have done everything I can think of, made the 'Y' split at the point it enters the house, use the extra thick stinger cable...I dunno, 10/100 nic with suposta be "fast" cable between the modem...
  14. D

    Know of a good web host?

    Just looking for some place to host my site I am making. I would like it to have its own for free, but if there is a small annual charge, no biggie. I'm just looking around for the best bang for the buck, I need about 50mb of space, and want more than 5gb a day. Pissedoffsol (god)...
  15. D

    I think I wanna learn PHP?

    Just wondering how, any of you that know it, learned it? I don't even really know exactly what it is and what it does, or what it is used for, other than some of the stuff I have seen on the this site. Basicaly I just wanna learn a new programming lingo and I don't feel like jumping...
  16. D


    Well like the title said, I am looking for cheaper sites than what I got...I know $10 is the norm, but I know there were cheaper out there, and just wondering who you guys use to get your vinyl, I'm into NRG, Hard house/hard dance
  17. D

    Human cloaning legalized?

    I guess so anyone know anything else about this? i guess the firs state to make it legal is New Jearsy
  18. D

    Like paintings?

    I dunno how many of you are into art and what not..Not a big fan myself, but this guy is good, just can't see forking up the cash for a print even...check his stuff out here. Dig around on the site, hes got a little table and look at the first 3 links in the table to see the ones I like...
  19. D

    Internet Chatrooms

    I used to use MSN chat, but now they want the $$ to use there service (yeah like I'm going to pay!), so I was wondering what rooms out there that you can use that don't use a direct download (mIRC or whatever)...and I know at least one of you guys use chat rooms for picking up chicks(or guys)...
  20. D

    WTB: Old laptop

    Well the title tells it all, looking for an old ass working computer, can't really find what I want on ebay and the pawn shops want way too much for these old paper weights...So if you got what I'm looking for, sweet, and to let you know what it MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF: -Windows 95/98/NT4.0/XP...