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  1. carlitoswaypr

    car dont want to turn on some times

    fuck it at least is 4 cylender .. i guy at my job just got a pick up V8:o nad he say it need premium too
  2. carlitoswaypr

    car dont want to turn on some times

    true .. but what could happen if i keep gettin 87??????????????????
  3. carlitoswaypr

    car dont want to turn on some times

    fuck .. gas is not cheap no more man . its no joke over here is at 3.99 reg
  4. carlitoswaypr

    car dont want to turn on some times

    hey i was thinking . maybe is because the guy that had it, he use to put premium gas. and now im puting regular because the price is to high... maybe is that because i ask him if it use to do it when he had it and he told me no....
  5. carlitoswaypr

    car dont want to turn on some times

    no no check engien
  6. carlitoswaypr

    car dont want to turn on some times

    and how much to fix or change the fue pump and it hard to do ????
  7. carlitoswaypr

    car dont want to turn on some times

    i did a tune up and change the spark plug but it still do it
  8. carlitoswaypr

    car dont want to turn on some times

    the fuel pump ,, what you mean trying to get out :mellow:
  9. carlitoswaypr

    car dont want to turn on some times

    it starts after i try for like 1 min.
  10. carlitoswaypr

    car dont want to turn on some times

    my RSX S dont want to start some time like if it dint have gas... my uncle told me is the fuel injection but i put in gas tank LUCAS fuel injector clening but it has been 4 day and this morning did it again ???:wtf:
  11. carlitoswaypr

    My rpm is low when im not moving

    ok thank you
  12. carlitoswaypr

    My rpm is low when im not moving

    ok thanks man and my last question is how do i change my add picture
  13. carlitoswaypr

    My rpm is low when im not moving

    check codes ?? my cousen told me it a censord at the manifol but my uncle say that if the check engien light is not on it not a sencord
  14. carlitoswaypr

    My rpm is low when im not moving

    but its like is going to shut off .. the rpm are almost at 0
  15. carlitoswaypr

    My rpm is low when im not moving

    when the car is park not runing and also when im in a red light in first gear
  16. carlitoswaypr

    My rpm is low when im not moving

    im a noob at this website but not with cars but i dont know why my acura rsx types 2002 rmp are low when the car is not moving.... please help me... :mellow:
  17. Try your Search on Google
