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  • Users: dveit
  • Content: Threads
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  1. dveit

    The Reason Doctors Created Vasectomy

    Desmond Hatchett: 29 Year Old With 21 Kids (PHOTOS) (VIDEO) Someone needs to take a hatchet to his jewels.
  2. dveit

    Pedobear: The Movie

    Pedobear "Doubt" Trailer - CollegeHumor Video
  3. dveit

    Coin Collecting

    I know there is another thread with this exact title by corvetteguy but I didn't want to revive an old thread. So I want to start investing in coin collecting, as it seems like a good investment considering the rise of silver and gold. However, I have absolutely NO previous knowledge in coin...
  4. dveit

    MJ Auction

    Want your piece of the "king of pop"? Say no more. It's all going on auction soon and there's multiple catalogs of everything. Michael Jackson Auction - Catalog List - 2009 Some pretty crazy and odd shit in there, from a simpsons arcade game to his limo to alfred hitchcock's drivers license...
  5. dveit

    New Chevy Stingray Concept

    Chevrolet Stingray Concept at 2009 Chicago Auto Show - KickingTires
  6. dveit

    Some Strange People Out There

    Police seek blow-up doll sex bandit | Oddly Enough | Reuters
  7. dveit

    Addicting Drag Game

    Drag Race Demon - Free Sports Game from AddictingGames
  8. dveit

    Black Friday

    It's coming up here soon... anyone got their eye on anything special? I'm trying to get myself a 360 or PS3 but I don't think there will be any big deals for anything like that.
  9. dveit

    Hazards Not Working

    So I've finally been around to work on some of the minor things on my car and I'm come across something simple that is just stumping me. For some reason the hazards on my car do not work. Both left and right turn signals work, but when I push in the hazard button... nothing. Since both my...
  10. dveit

    PETA enraged over pigeon shooting

    :lmao: Wimbledon under fire for pigeon cull - Tennis - Yahoo! Sports :gunfight: :sniper:
  11. dveit

    Teacher Fired for Appearing in Bikini

    Video - Breaking News Videos from Smokin Em Charters
  12. dveit

    Father of LSD dead

    Pretty interesting article... RIP... Albert Hofmann, father of drug LSD, dies in Switzerland Erowid Albert Hofmann Vault
  13. dveit

    Nothing to Hide *NSFW*

    Lady magician strips down naked to prove she has nothing to hide Not the hottest looking chick but I give her mad props for strippin down in front of so many people and for a decent act. :D
  14. dveit

    School -- 1957 vs 2007

    Scenario: Jack goes quail hunting before school, pulls into school parking lot with shotgun in gun rack. 1957 - Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack's shotgun, goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack. 2007 - School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never...
  15. dveit

    10 Terrible URLs

    (taken from Honestly, what were these people thinking when they registered these domains?! 1. A site called ‘Who Represents‘ where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity. Their domain name… wait for it… is 2. Experts Exchange, a...
  16. dveit

    Find your old school bike

    Welcome to What did you use to ride back in the day??? I used to rock the 1999 Haro Monocoque And a 1997 GT Vertigo
  17. dveit

    Kid gets racked on skateboard *video*

    MySpaceTV Videos: Kid Gets Stacked Skateboarding by Austin
  18. dveit

    Heath Ledger Dead - Actor Heath Ledger Found Dead at Manhattan Residence - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment Actor Heath Ledger found dead - Actor Heath Ledger Is Found Dead - City Room - Metro - New York Times Blog Not too many details. They're saying...
  19. dveit

    When cybersex goes wrong... *work safe*

    When Cybersex Goes Wrong
  20. dveit

    Talk about Killer Traction...

    MEGAVIDEO - I'm watchin' it I'm bored.... searched but didn't find it so I hope it's not a repost. It's probably old as shit, but oh well. I got a laugh out of it. The best part is the last few seconds.... "SHIT!"
  21. Try your Search on Google
