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  • Users: Drake
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  1. Drake

    Raspberry Pi

    Ill be tracking this for sure. Im sure if I got one I could come up with something to use it for. And thanks for the clarification. I should probably do some research on what people are using them for to get a better handle on the possibilities. The in car computer is a solid idea.
  2. Drake

    Raspberry Pi

    Very interesting. Ive wanted to mess around with this kind of thing off and on for a while and never actually do it. Is this kind of like Arduino but assembled and configured?
  3. Drake

    Backup cameras soon to be required by law

    The guy who backed over the my car had a backup camera on his new truck. Mandating it doesnt make the roads any safer really.
  4. Drake

    local politics?

    I vote. Well i read about whatever is up for vote or who is up for election then i vote. If more than 30 percent of the american people actually did ten minutes of research and then voted we wouldnt be in so damn deep. Washington state in the last election had something like 37 percent of...
  5. Drake

    The Walking Dead

    I think wikedeye is onto something. The feeling of isolation just trudging through life with nothing to really look forward to.
  6. Drake

    The Walking Dead

    I dont know how they didnt get infected. Rick was fingering zombies with a big ass cut on his hand and other assorted wounds with zombie juices flying every which way. Or is it transmited via saliva only? I cant remember exactly.
  7. Drake

    Free shoes!

    Pumas for me. Picked up some repli cat iii suedes in blue the other day
  8. Drake

    Air purifiers / Ionizers / Ozone generators

    I have an aunt that used a pretty high end ionizer. I noticed a smell for a little but quickly got used to it. She said it helped with air quality a good deal. I was only there for a few days so I dont know exactly how well it works over a longer period. She said it pulls odors and what not out...
  9. Drake

    jury duty next week- cant get selected

    Someone with the county clerks office I bet *looks for his special hat*
  10. Drake

    Hey Guys

    welcome aboard
  11. Drake

    No wonder the asians are good at math....

    The issue with all schooling. We are never taught to understand a damn thing. Teach to the test is the motto!
  12. Drake

    Random thought of the day

    If I have coffee at work this is the only option. I work with a bunch of Vets and if they cannot clean a rifle with it or cut it with a knife then its weak.
  13. Drake


    I plan checking it out some time soon
  14. Drake

    The Walking Dead

    This is why the show is so damn good. Nothing in it is black and white. Because in a situation like this how could it be?
  15. Drake

    New guy here. Thought I would share my experience

    Nice looking projects. Welcome to the site
  16. Drake

    The Walking Dead

    Id like to see the ratings for the comic book show. 100k first 15 minutes, after the commercial? 7. Excellent episode though. Shits going to get real methinks.
  17. Drake

    40% off

    I have come to regret reading the description of that book...
  18. Drake

    jury duty next week- cant get selected

    Dont fret you can check for your number here. If you ever want a job with the feds or are attached to a company that requires you to get a background investigation because of contracts and such your going to need your selective service number.
  19. Drake

    jury duty next week- cant get selected

    Jury nullification is a good way to express to the court that your a free thinking individual and chances are they will excuse you. Like B said, they want people that can be manipulated.
  20. Drake

    I have a frowny face right now because

    Gotta do what you gotta do when it comes to family I suppose. That is rough though.
  21. Try your Search on Google
