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  • Users: Drake
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  1. Drake

    Making a murderer (spoilers)

    I've started watching it but it seems odd to me that we are effectively watching a reality TV show about real people killing real people. I wonder if in 50 years they are going to think we are all sick for making hash tags on social media clearing the "team" we are one.
  2. Drake

    any cyclists?

    I put almost 800 miles on my fized gear this past year. I didn't ride my Allez at all really. Between coaching my sons baseball team and the 10 weddings I attended I didn't have much time for the open road. Goals for me this year: Get a pro fit for my Allez. Fairly sure the stem stem is a bit...
  3. Drake

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens/Discuss--spoilers

    Yeah some of what he said sounds a bit like jealousy. Be sold his life's work and now someone else has made the best star wars film in 30 years. I know he blamed the studio and all that for episodes 1-3 but he still went forward with it.
  4. Drake

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens/Discuss--spoilers

    Abrams in my opinion created this movie to be a send off to the original trilogy. That is why there where so many New Hopeish scenes. I really hope the next two movies leave all the old stuff behind and tell us a new story that involves all the new characters. Some hat tips here and there are...
  5. Drake

    Happy bday steve

    Woo woo happy day of birth
  6. Drake


    Quality Konami code is good info though.
  7. Drake

    gobble gobble, yo

    Happy day to everyone.
  8. Drake

    New Retirement Saving Option for Beginners

    Very interesting. Thanks for the heads up buddy. My wife and I are really trying to get serious about this kind of thing.
  9. Drake

    The Xfiles are coming back

    I just started watching the whole series. I caught some episodes from the later seasons but never watched with any consistency.
  10. Drake

    happy birfday E

    Which is why you have a collapsible cot under your desk. Happy birfday!
  11. Drake

    any cyclists?

    Looks good!
  12. Drake

    any cyclists?

    Nice work E. I need to get my shit together so I can do a century next year. I may end up spending the winter getting ready to do the Seattle to Portland next year.
  13. Drake

    Wingsuit - nope

    I imagine these guys are 100% at peace with their lives. One flinch and you are done.
  14. Drake

    The new Prius

    That's a really good point. Didn't even think of that
  15. Drake

    The new Prius

    Lets see if they can stick the timeline. Right around the time my wife's car is paid off the model 3 is supposed to be coming out. That would be pretty great timing. What a weird looking car the new Prius is though. I also don't understand stacking all of the gauges in the center of the dash...
  16. Drake

    may or may not be pickle's birthday

    Pickles averages about 4 birthdays a year.
  17. Drake

    any cyclists?

    I have ridden half as much as I did last year. My summer really cut into riding. Damn commitments. I have only driven to work 3 times since Aprilish though. So that is good I guess.
  18. Drake

    Happy bday nick

    Happy birfday boyo! The trip looks like it is going well.
  19. Drake

    RIP Justin Wilson

    High school / college kids are the ones who really need this and chest protectors. Aluminum bats and a 90 mile an hour fast ball can stop your heart in some cases.
  20. Drake

    920 pound gator

    Damn nature you scary
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