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  1. FLounder

    Official Fishing thread

    I know some of y'all have been fishing this summer, let's see some pics! Last couple salt water trips for me kinda sucked, but I've been catching plenty bass. Several good trips lately in the kayak. Caught this guy today, weighed 6 3/4 lbs, awesome fight.
  2. FLounder

    Need new all terrain tires for my Xterra

    Anyone ever had Cooper destination AT3 tires before? Reviews look good and my tire guy recommended them. Price is les than the yokos, toyos, bfgs, about the same as the firestones and Bridgestone.
  3. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    I feel like some strange would be nice lol
  4. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    Ehh, as of right now, she just annoys me. I have accepted the fact that it's over. Yes, it will be sad all over again when she moves all her stuff out. Right now my main problem is that I'm stressed out, and can't get a decent nights sleep. I'm a worrier, and I hate uncertainty. Gotta...
  5. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    Goddam my life sucks right now. She is such a mindfuck. I highly doubt any nookie is going to happen, sorry guys. We are going to attempt to be friends, primarily so I can have the dogs sometimes. I already told her if I can't handle it, I will have to completely cut her off. She really...
  6. FLounder

    The best part about being single.

    I think that depends on the relationship, or moreso, the people in it. I was always the one to be like fuck it, lets do it. Now that im newly single Im wishing i didnt already burn so much time off this year.
  7. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    I caught 12 bass this morning and sweated my ass off paddling around, then went to the gym and hit it pretty hard. I find i gotta wear myself the fuck out to get a good nights sleep these days. She is all stressed out, and im trying not to let it stress me out any more. Her ass does look good...
  8. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    Things are pretty much the same, although im feeling a little better. Finally able to get some better sleep and feel more normal at work. She has found a new place, but cant move in till the 1st. Ive seen her attitude change, where she is realizing how bad its going to suck moving out, and...
  9. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    Hanging in there. Really lack of sleep is the worst part, im feeling pretty shitty after 5 nights of minimal sleep. Im going to my brothers house this weekend to get away from here. She has started packing her shit. Says she will get more done this weekend while im not here. I only had one...
  10. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    It's alright man, you mean well. She has fallen out of love with me, and its too late now. Even if we made up, I can't see it ever being the same. It's going to get worse before it gets better, I'm sure of that. but, I have realized how much support I have from friends and family, and the...
  11. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    I feel like I'm starting to truly accept the fact that it's over. I'm beginning to think more about the future and what I've got to do, and what i want to do. She is working pretty hard on getting out of here, we were able to have a good talk about her leaving. I just gotta try to maintain...
  12. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    The amount of great advice in this thread is amazing. You guys here have better advice than my "real life" friends, thats for sure. Thanks, it really does help to put some perspective on things.
  13. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    I just gave her $1k on top of her trade-in to get the interest rate down really low. The loan is in her name, and she is making the payments (the first one came due and i had to help her with it, even though she said her side job is doing well enough to afford the payments lol). Whatever...
  14. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    I want to be with her. We had a great thing going, life was good. Now everything is going to change, Im not excited. I tried to have a good talk with her last night (she broke up with me the night before last), but it didnt go well. I got frustrated, got angry, said some stuff she didnt like...
  15. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    I guess the good news is that im in the best shape of my life right now at 34. Im financially stable, and dont have any debt. The thought of dating seems weird and foreign to me right now, but hopefully ill remember how to do it. For now im just going to hit the gym even more, and try to go...
  16. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    Yeah that is a possibility, we do each have a favorite dog. Would suck to separate them, but we'll see. Lots of good advice guys, THANKS.
  17. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    Yeah its a plausible theory for sure. She was a little wild before i met her, Im sure she is going to be out on the town in her skimpy tight dresses in no time. Most of our friends are mutual, im dreading the future right now. Seeing her with someone else is really going to hurt, and i have...
  18. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    Another little tidbit... she is scared to tell her parents or any family that she broke up with me. Her parents love me, they treat me like a son. I lost both of my parents in my mid twenties and her parents have always been amazing and i am very close to them. Neither of us has put anything...
  19. FLounder

    Happened to me too... fiancee broke up with me out of the blue

    Home values have skyrocketed in my area, and i cant afford to buy the house i live in, unfortunately. Its a sweet spot, with a nice garage and a boat storage spot. Not to mention the awesome neighborhood, neighbors, and the house is nice as shit in general. A little big for me by myself and...
  20. Try your Search on Google
