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  • Users: Havok
  • Content: Threads
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  1. H

    Stars Wars Episode III

    Alright, Nerd Herd, time to turn off Starcraft or whatever it is you people play and go to Wal-Mart, Star Wars Episode III is coming out at midnight. That is all.
  2. H

    Online Traffic Schools

    Anyone know of any online traffic schools? I know it can be taken online, but do you need to go through the ones sent in the mail, or get one recommended by the courthouse, or will any online site work? is what I found, seems to be fine.
  3. H

    Clutch Issues

    So, I get no response from the clutch until I press it in about halfway, and it sticks to the floor. Occasionally, when I start it up, it won't go into gear or it's really rough, I need to double pump the clutch to get it into gear, and I need to use my foot to pull the clutch up from the...
  4. H

    Testing Waters

    Since my air tools just sit in my garage and look pretty (not to metion I have full access to a REAL garage and lift via Air Force Base), I don't really need my air tools and all the goodies. Question is, what would you pay for this? Craftsman 30 gallon 6 HP 150 Max PSI Vertical Oil-Free Air...
  5. H

    Day of Defeat: Source

    Anyone got the DoD for HL2 yet? I puchased HL2 with CS:S for 30 bucks from Best Buy, suprisingly it runs good on my ancient P4 1.7 Ghz PC...I think I am going to DL it, it's 19.95, and I know the original DoD was that shit, IMO one of the best WW2 shooters there was for that time, which isn't...
  6. H

    Traffic Ticket Issue

    On Saturday, going to work, I did a rolling stop at an intersection in which there were no cars within at least 1/4 mile in any direction. Anywho, I get pulled over, and issued a ticket for running a stop sign. I carefully look over all the information on the ticket, and I notice one thing...
  7. H

    The Official NO CHICKS thread

    F.O.A.D. leg humpers, I give this thread 5 posts before it dies unless a chick responds.
  8. H

    FWD of the Day

    a girls first time (Assume you are a girl if you are a boy) It's your first time. As you lie back your muscles tighten. You put him off for a while searching for an excuse, but he refuses to be swayed as he approaches you. He asks if you're afraid and you shake your head bravely. He has had more...
  9. H

    Bus Explodes carrying evacuees
  10. H

    Woot, went ebaying today

    And scored Big! The rarest fender in the history of the universe Not only is it an OEM fender in great condition, it's Samba Green! Take that bitches! Here is my current one: I'm not worried about the color being off, it shouldn't be too bad, as I know of no one's fenders that have been...
  11. H

    Xbox 360 specs

    Because I am the unofficial Xbox 360 spokesman, here they are, via's website. Xbox 360 System Performance Specifications Custom IBM PowerPC-based CPU Three symmetrical cores running at 3.2 GHz each Two hardware threads per core; six hardware threads total VMX-128 vector unit per...
  12. H

    Xbox 360 price announced
  13. H

    New DVD's this week

    2 DVD's came out worth buying today, Sin City and the Dave Chapelle stand-up "For what it's worth", got em both at Wal-Mart for 29.96 or something. Go buy them! The stand up is only 60 minutes, but is fucking hilarious...Mickey Mouse is Mexican!
  14. H

    Chappelle's Show RIP 2003-2005 Your job is done nigga, get out!
  15. H

    Return of Julio and Wang! Only 17.99, buy in bulk! Julio (my Tein dude) is the shit, and I believe Bill still has Wang :)
  16. H

    Del Sol Window Seals

    It became apparent that I need new window seals for the sol, after 15 minutes of downpouring left a nice wet spot on my passenger seat. Has anyone had their window seals replaced, if so how much did it set you back, I will call Honda tomorrow, and get a quote from them.
  17. H

    How should I kill my roommate?

    I come home tonight to find a popup on my computer saying it's infected. It's my fucking dumbshit roomate, who will still not fucking learn. He goes to these gay ass wrestiling websites that hijack his computer. It got so bad, he had to buy a new HD. I install it for him, reinstall windows...
  18. H

    Hurricane Dennis Heh, Florida is fucked, this hurricane hasn't even hit the warm Gulf waters yet. It's projected to hit Pensacola (same place a Category 3 did back in September) This time I'll either be stuck at the Marriott for 3-4 days, depending...
  19. H

    Something to Offend Everyone

    ...cage along with... "a recipe". How do you get a sweet little 80-year-old lady to say the F word? Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell *BINGO*! What's the difference between a northern fairytale and a southern fairytale? A northern fairytale begins "Once upon a time..." A...
  20. H

    Forza Motorsport

    Well, I picked up a copy of Forza Motorsports for Xbox...Haven't played it too much, but it already seems better than GT4...250 Cars, authentic aftermarket parts, autocross mode (kick ass) custom soundtracks, no gay ass trance music like GT. Graphics are no comparison, it's online, there are...
  21. Try your Search on Google
