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  1. E

    Need a tuner in Nashville

    Ride Revolutions went out of business a couple months I wouldn't be surprised if noone answers that phone..
  2. E

    HELP! tranny swap info.

    Yea, it would add a little power but you still have that engine..might wanna consider a swap unless your happy with the basic I/H/E. You will need slave cylinder, clutch & flywheel, tranny, manual tranny starter, pedal assembly, clutch master cylinder & reservoir, mounts, shift linkage &...
  3. E

    d15b in a 89 si hatch

    Yea..another Si, putting anything else on it would just be wrong =(
  4. E


    EX or Si tranny ftw!!
  5. E

    2004 intake install instuctions

    Nah, it's not just you. Anyone's mood would turn shitty trying to answer a question like that. But I think everyone pretty much covored how it's done, so i'll leave it at that. =]
  6. E

    92 teg with 94+ motor wont start

    Timing doesn't have anything to do with getting spark. The distributor only goes in one way and if you set in anywhere near the middle it should atleast fire up..just make sure the wires are set in the correct firing order, that happened to me once, i had 3 and 4 switched. good luck.
  7. E

    What weight oil?

    The only difference is that synthetic is more expensive, but lubricates better. I personally would put synthetic in my turbo car, I put in in my stock DX too. That's why when you build an engine you want to use regular oil first so the rings will seat faster, and then switch to synthetic once...
  8. E

    help me please!

    :stfunoob:Annd..filling the engine back up is what? PART of an oil change. durr. And no I did not call you a noob, and If you read my post you would see that I said I was laughing at the fact I was called a noob by some other dude. mk?? You say that you don't wana argue yet you keep on..soo...
  9. E

    help me please!

    Heyy..I don't have a problem with that..but when you start calling ppl noobs and asking how much they could really know because of the state they're from when you don't even know how to change your oil, lol, you should just keep quiet.
  10. E

    Cold air intake-any favorites?

    Me? How much could you possibly know with all those posts? Do you just sit on the computer all your life? Sure you could probably tell me alot and explain things but if you sit down and try to do it yourself your just another noob.
  11. E

    help me please!

    Maybe you should read your sig and take it to heart, and learn to spell. I never said I wasn't a noob!!! I am..yeaa, don't you see how many questions i've asked?? how many threads i've started?? Alot, huh? Oh, I really need help on getting in my car..I unlock the door but just can't figure out...
  12. E

    help me please!

    Heyy..funny guy. You know why they put a FULL mark on the dipstick?? wow, yeaa, so you know when its full!!! If a va noob can figure that one out than why couldn't a guy like you do it?? with all your, what a joke.
  13. E

    Cold air intake-any favorites?

    No..the dumbasses are the ones that actually pay $200+ for a 'performance', so maybe it is you who should leave?
  14. E

    help me please!

    yea man i looove it!! And i should quote you in my sig asking how much oil to put in an engine..and you call me a noob. hahahahhahaha
  15. E

    Cold air intake-any favorites?'s better!! Might need a rear wing to to keep that rear end down from how much FASTER you'll be going with your extra 2hp. :D:D
  16. E

    help me please!

    your point? I wouldn't be asking what I know..looking at the threads you've started you obviously dont know a damn thing..haha your the REAL noob at heart.
  17. E

    help me please!

    lol, who called you a noob?? I was laughing at the fact that I was called a noob. You can post 20,000 times but you still don't know shit.
  18. E

    help me please!

    haha act like there arent more forums..I could care less, i know what i need to know. Maybe you should spend more time working on cars than typing on the keyboard..
  19. E

    Cold air intake-any favorites?

    How bout you just take the hood off and clamp an air filter right to the throttle body?? Super intake ftmfw!!!
  20. Try your Search on Google
