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  • Users: ScrapinSi
  • Content: Threads
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  1. ScrapinSi

    PC Datalogging software...

    Anybody know of a Hondata for PC's? LOL. We have some strange lag occuring on our systems, and the 2 PC's are losing their connection to the SQL server for a few milliseconds, and glitching the software... I basically need a fancy task manager, so that I can see CPU Processes, memory processes...
  2. ScrapinSi

    Good places for SQL & VB Training?

    My boss is fighting it, but its coming to a point where I need SQL & possibly VB training... Can anybody recommend good centers for classes in the CT area? I need standard SQL Training, and SQL Reporting training... And possibly some VB training... But thats not as important.
  3. ScrapinSi

    My PDA Dilemma... Please Help...

    I'm looking into an organizer... Here is my situation... When I am at work, I am on a mail production floor... Floating from room to room, working on lots of different equipment... When I am working with our new beta software, I find bugs... LOTS OF BUGS... I need to write down EXACT details...
  4. ScrapinSi

    mmm.... shine...

    So tonight I was going over to a coworkers house with some other coworkers... I head over to one of their houses as we were all carpooling over... When another coworker shows up with a mason jar... I was like "Only one thing comes clear in a mason jar... :blink: ".... He looks at me and...
  5. ScrapinSi

    HID Experts... Got a question...

    Went to the swap meet today, and picked up a bunch of HID stuff from a guy selling all kinds of crap for $60... :ph34r: I have one that looks like this And one that looks like this My question is this... Can I use 1 in each headlight? Both of the bulbs seem to be 4300k from what I can...
  6. ScrapinSi

    Anybody want to help me with my resume'?

    Well... After working at my company for 5 years.... I got a job offer recommendation from my brother in law... So it's time to dust off the old resume... Anybody want to help me go over it, clean it up, and make it look all pretty? IM me at scrapinsi2003 on AIM or Yahoo... I'll be online all...
  7. ScrapinSi

    WTB: 17" Rims...

    I am looking for a good deal on a set of 17" rims... Prefer something with a 225/50/17 tire on them, like a TL OEM 5 Spoke... Let me know whatcha got... CRV needs new tires, and I figure I might as well throw some rims on instead.
  8. ScrapinSi

    ROFL! Microsoft is becoming FF Friendly!!

    So I go to MSDN to download the SQL Server Management package... And I click on the "validation required"... It pops up the steps WITH SCREENSHOTS of how to download the program and run it using FF... Microsoft is afraid... Very afraid... :ph34r:
  9. ScrapinSi

    Heelys... Anybody tried them?

    Anybody tried these things out? They have all kinds of styles, and I'm wondering how they work for an everyday shoe.
  10. ScrapinSi

    Hmmm... Free IROC... Should I??

    A guy I work with has an '88 Iroc, Automatic T Tops... Runs and drives fine... He just wants to get rid of it... I want an AutoX toy... Something to just BEAT on... Should I take it off of him? I'm thinkin a set of swaybars, some springs, some tires, and just beat the thing into the...
  11. ScrapinSi

    Wanna see what Spraying your I/C Does??

    My buddy's shop got their AWD dyno going, and were doing some experimenting... So they decided to do a run on this GTi, baseline, then spraying a bottle of n2o on the intercooler to ice it over... I expected a good jump, but NOTHING like these numbers. Without Spraying I/C...
  12. ScrapinSi

    Holy Fucking Zicam!!!

    Ya know... Thursday afternoon I started feeling sick... IMMEDIATELY I started poppin some airborne until I got home.. I get home, start poppin dayquil, chuggin water, wearing sweats... No Go.. I got hit HARD... I was out of work on Friday it was so bad... Today wasn't much better... Could...
  13. ScrapinSi

    My buddy's AWD Dyno is open!

    My buddy's shop in norwich, swift motorsports finally got their Dyno Dynamics Dyno back and installed... If anybody's lookin to get some passes, let me know... I'm sure he could hook you up. Or John @ Bristol Dyno in East Hartford! John's the man too! :)
  14. ScrapinSi

    Centrino... BFD...

    So I got the new laptop goin for the wife... HP Laptop w/ Centrino 1.5ghz w/ 256mb RAM & 40gb HD... So far... NOT IMPRESSED... Installing software, running basic applications, I am NOT IMPRESSED... I'll take my P4 3.0 heavy ass (Over 10lbs) IBM Stinkpad over it... And I HATE my stinkpad...
  15. ScrapinSi

    Need a laptop part... HELP!!

    So I scored a Free Athlon XP Pavillion Laptop from work... With no hard drive... :cry: So I bought the Hard Drive, but I noticed I need the caddy & adapter for it... Anybody know where to score one? It converts it from a 2.5 pinout hard drive to a female slot...
  16. ScrapinSi

    Anybody here work with KVM Switches?

    Got a question... Booting 2 Identical Dell PC's... Currently, only 1 has a monitor, because the other just boots and does a process... I connect to the other PC using Remote Desktop Connection. This works okay for the current application, but if XP doesn't boot correctly, you have to manually...
  17. ScrapinSi

    No Superbowl threads!?!??!

    :blink: :blink: :blink:
  18. ScrapinSi

    B... PM, email or call me...

    I sent you a PM b.. But i noticed its not in my sent box... Something screwy? I have some questions regarding setting up invision...
  19. ScrapinSi

    The one thing I don't like about iPods...

    You can't delete anything, or really flag it for deletion ON THE IPOD ITSELF... My new thing is podcasts... I download like 5-10 different ones, to see which ones I like... I want to flag the ones I don't like, so I can delete them and they don't keep downloading, but i can't remember them...
  20. ScrapinSi

    Just when you thought your unicycle was only for 3 seasons... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :huh: :huh: :confused:
  21. Try your Search on Google
