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  1. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    $85,000 cell phone bill

    Damn....that's how a shooting starts.
  2. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    This video has it all

    very interesting....haha
  3. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    Vick sentenced to 23 months

    Actually I've wrestled for 13 years. Since I was 4 years old. I've trained and worked out plenty, I've been offered a full-ride scholarship to OSU to wrestle for them. I have HUNDREDS of medals and about 30+ trophies, I've been to many wrestling camps with Olympic Gold Medalist's and world...
  4. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    Vick sentenced to 23 months

    He's Michael Vick they know he has money.....and I've asked over 20 different people and everyone of them said he'll come out bigger than when he went in. Just because 3 guys on said i'm wrong it won't make me mad or want to argue with you....we'll just see how about that. nothing...
  5. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    Thieves rant..

    I'd definately lock that shit up!
  6. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    S2000 Engine Conversion for an EG RWD

    OOOOOMG!!!! That is soooo sick!
  7. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    Thieves rant..

    I was talking to my boss about this today.... He like 5 hella expensive cars in his shop plus all his tools, an a nice ass computer an shitloads of parts for mercedes an ferrari's. Thats his personal shop, then the shop where i work has all that kinds of stuff but like 5x as many tools. He's got...
  8. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    Vick sentenced to 23 months

    Think of it this way, if Michael Vick came to a prison you were in, either you'd hate him or want to protect him because when he gets out he'd pay you off or give you the recognition for helping him out. More than likely he won't get his ass beat...he's a tough guy, he will be bigger an stronger...
  9. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    Vick sentenced to 23 months

    When did i EVER say "Vicks going to be doing steroids the whole time in prison." ??? I didn't, and I will bet that when he gets out of prison he will be BIGGER than when he came in. Supposeably he was smoking weed everyday before he got put in prison even when he was on trial an he wasn't in his...
  10. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    D15B Vtec swap/boost/vtec/?

    lol ebay is already one of my best friends!!!
  11. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    S2000 Engine Conversion for an EG RWD

    Ya i have no idea what price your speaking of...
  12. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    new to hondaswap

    Ohhhhh em gee! I want something like that.... =\
  13. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    JDM H22a swap for 92-95 civic

    nah it's cool i'll just buy a motor here in oregon. no worries, good luck.
  14. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    Thieves rant..

    Ya i wouldn't leave my shit in there....I'm doing my swap at my work. It has like prison fences around it an the big ass great dane too. Theres like ferrari's an shit there so they gotta keep it all locked up. So i feel pretty safe about that. But that sucks....lot's of thieves out there.
  15. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    new to hondaswap

  16. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    Thieves rant..

    Seriously that is so fucking stupid. Very sorry to hear about that....there's some guys going around here stealing peoples tools an stuff 4 people this week i heard. i'm makin sure my stuff is locked up tight.
  17. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    Vick sentenced to 23 months

    We have another "expert" on a subject you obviously know nothing about. Do you play in the NFL? If the guy is going to be lifting weights all time time, "daily" idk how long per day but more than he normally would during the off or on season I personally would think that he'd get bigger? But who...
  18. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    JDM H22a swap for 92-95 civic

    Motor an tranny an ecu for it. Plus $1000 It has cold air intake on it also...
  19. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    JDM H22a swap for 92-95 civic

    Eh....not could just sell the motor out of my car though? That's what i have to trade....sorry
  20. 92BooSTeD[eG]

    Vick sentenced to 23 months

    they were talking about this subject all day on the radio today. they said he'll be bigger an better than he ever was. think of it, most guys in prison just lift weights all day. he's gonna be huge!!!
  21. Try your Search on Google
