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  • Users: Loil
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  1. L

    how to skid

    thanks a lot all for your generous input. i finally master the chirping with my ls. lol.
  2. L

    turbocharged or supercharged for ls/vtec?

    I need some tips from you guys. I am building a 96 ls/vtec and planning to boost it with either a turborcharger or supercharger. Can your please give me advice on which one to pick. I am trying to make the car close to 300hp. Also, which brand would your recommend on either the turbo or...
  3. L

    ls/vtec maintenance

    Hey all. I am planning on turning my 96 integra ls to ls/vtec but heard it was hard to maintain. If anyone here have a ls/vtec could you please tell me how much time i have to put into the car to take care of it. I intend to drive the car daily
  4. L

    how to chirp tire

    you guys were pretty cruel on my last post. I am a newb at stick and trying to learn something nice. I thought your got my back, instead your dumped a whole bunch of garbage on me. Let me make it clear this time. I want to chirp the tires going from 1st to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd. Thanks
  5. L

    how to skid

    yeah spinning tires in 2nd and 3rd gear.
  6. L

    LS Vtec

    Hey All. I currently own a 96 integra ls. I am very interesting in making it a ls/vtec, but i heard it's hard to maintain. About how much will i be looking at if i wanted to build a ls/vtec? I want to use the gsr head. Thanks for your help. My max budget would probably be around 2g. Also...
  7. L

    how to skid

    Hey all. I need help. I want to learn how to skid my tires in as much gear as possible but it's a little difficult. I tried reving high and shifing but it just pull, no skid or spins. Can ANy help? Thanks
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