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  1. I

    What would you rather crash into a wall?

    WOW, are you really THAT THICK???? :confused::p
  2. I

    What would you rather crash into a wall?

    Well I was just really worried/annoyed that I wouldn't be able to have an OBD-I car if I had to go with the '96 civics, but after reading some more, I realized that there are people who temporarily convert their car to OBD-I and then convert back to OBD-II for the Smog check, so hopefully that...
  3. I

    What would you rather crash into a wall?

    That had nothing or little to do with the airbags, but because the Silverado was probably heavier than the car that hit you. Also the Silverado isn't 1 star but 3 star rated which means you only have a 20-30% chance for serious injury, so that coupled with you being in a larger vehicle being...
  4. I

    What would you rather crash into a wall?

    If you had to choose a vehicle to crash into a wall, which one would it be? Crash a 5 Star rated car w/o airbags into a wall or Crash a 1 Star rated car w/airbags into a wall.
  5. I

    92 Civic Si low idle

    This reply is for those who found this thread on google.
  6. I

    Make '92-'95 civic more safe?

    Hmm, did you forget what you posted? Anyhow, why are any of you posting if you don't know the answer? Am I to assume that you two are the only knowledgeable posters on this whole fucking forum and that if neither of you know the answer, that I this thread will not be exposed to those who do...
  7. I

    Make '92-'95 civic more safe?

    I've already acknowledged this, my point was that they should either post in the format I outlined and what I feel "good people" follow or just not post at all, I mean is it really that difficult to restrain yourself? Would you say that their last 5 posts they made in both threads were even...
  8. I

    Who has worse crash rating in your opinion?

    You seem to be confused, "know-it-all" isn't the same as mature. I'm more mature but not necessarily more knowledgeable than the two arrogant fucks I've been flamed by. These two are "know-it-alls", I on the otherhand are obviously NOT a "know-it-all" because if I was, why the hell would I ever...
  9. I

    Make '92-'95 civic more safe?

    The problem isn't me, it's you and your ego. You and others are at fault for blowing this discussion out of proportion. You insist on being an asshole and guess what, I don't listen to assholes and especially one with an ego. You really think I care that you work on soapbox cars? Guess what, I...
  10. I

    Who has worse crash rating in your opinion?

    I obviously gave this site more credit than it deserved. Though it did teach me something, when an arrogant "know-it-all" comes across something they do not understand, instead of humbling themselves, they show their true colors, that they're really just stupid arrogant fucks who can't be trusted.
  11. I

    Make '92-'95 civic more safe?

    You have the fucking audacity to go and call me a "know-it-all" then tell me that I should "listen" when you clearly are the "know-it-all". I was just reading through a thread about VTEC on I believe, one of the posters berated another for saying that there is "no such thing as a...
  12. I

    Who has worse crash rating in your opinion?

    See, now that is a valid answer. If you had stuck with that in the first place, there would be no flaming and I wouldn't be negative 16 points on my rep. How it's suppose to go is I post a thread, others post what they know, I respond and it goes from there. If you had simply said that "I don't...
  13. I

    Who has worse crash rating in your opinion?

    I'm lowering the collective IQ around here because I'm asking for something that I feel is fairly reasonable? I'd be lowering the "collective IQ" if I was spreading FUD or misinformation, such as you've been doing yourself, not asking for tips/help/insight/whatever. If you're so brilliant, tell...
  14. I

    Make '92-'95 civic more safe?

    Who said I'd have a shop do this? What fun is there in hiring someone to do the work for you? This sort of thing would not require highly specialized tools as you seem to be implying.
  15. I

    Make '92-'95 civic more safe?

    So this would explain how and why you post on this forum the way you do, hmm.. explains a lot....
  16. I

    Who has worse crash rating in your opinion?

    You guys are fucking childish, to say I shouldn't worry about these things is simply childish. You won't be singing that same tune 10-20yrs from now I'm sure of it, or well unless of course you have nothing to live for. I'm pretty sure for you guys you don't even consider crash test ratings, why...
  17. I

    Make '92-'95 civic more safe?

    You weren't going 35mph now were you? How tall are you?
  18. I

    Make '92-'95 civic more safe?

    Ok, well then if they could make it crash like this, then I'd be ok. YouTube - Old school Commodore crashing It'd have to do that every time.
  19. I

    Make '92-'95 civic more safe?

    How about you fuck off. Now every time I look at my CP, all I can see is this stupid notification that I've got neg repped and it will never go away. I hate vbulletin's bullshit and you're only exacerbating the problem.:mad: And what is it with you people? Why do you insist on flaming me for...
  20. I

    Who has worse crash rating in your opinion?

    If uit makes you feel any better, I already have a stomach ulcer, though it was induced by school, not me worrying.
  21. Try your Search on Google
