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  1. sufikation

    Suf's 95 Integra GSR aka Grimace

    Found out today I am a moron. The reason I couldnt get my strut bar back on is because I was trying to put it on backwards. You live and you learn. Right? :ph34r:
  2. sufikation

    Suf's 95 Integra GSR aka Grimace

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. It needs work and some tlc, but its my most favorite Honda I have ever owned. Still have not figured it out. I plan on doing extended top hats next month so it wont matter anyways but...I am still going to see if I messed something up while im in there...
  3. sufikation

    Suf's 95 Integra GSR aka Grimace

    Got a little work done yesterday. The tools needed for the job. The casualties of war. Skunk2 oil pan plug installed. Also did my ES shifter bushings, no pic. Before. After. It is not settled yet so its getting a little more snug. Did this one when I got home, love...
  4. sufikation

    B18B1 swap into 93 eg problem keeping running

    Very poorly written but I think I understand what you are trying to say...I think. I would suggest you start here and see what you can find, perhaps one of these guides will help you find what you overlooked. If not, ask again with better grammar and more details. Thanks. Technical Articles...
  5. sufikation

    Help with Engine ID'ing needed.

    Try this sir.
  6. sufikation

    Suf's 95 Integra GSR aka Grimace

    It went from snow to single digit temps to freezing rain in the span of a to love Idaho weather. The teg plows through it all.
  7. sufikation

    Odometer rollback.

    I used to run a crv cluster in my 97 civ, they look neat. On topic however if you do manage to get the needle off with out it breaking its most likely going to fly across the room so dont lose it. I wish I could be more helpful but I am afraid to say its easier to deal with the mileage being off...
  8. sufikation

    Sufikation's Honda Adventure

    First: Ya...shes a looker, I always snap some pics when her bf brings her to the meets. I will get one of her in her forum shirt. Looks good. Second: Not as many as you think. Third: Its hit and miss...if you stay out of the flats its all pretty nice. Fourth: We are trying and doing ok...
  9. sufikation

    Sufikation's Honda Adventure

    We have some good members who like to hang. On a more serious note, that parking lot ate some cars that day...took some leg work to get them out. LOL!
  10. sufikation

    Sufikation's Honda Adventure

    We had our 1 year anniversary meet today to celebrate the forum being up and running. Its cold here where I live so we ate pizza and socialized. For the shitty conditions we had a better turn out than I expected. After I had taken these pics we had another group of member show up but my battery...
  11. sufikation

    Suf's 95 Integra GSR aka Grimace

    The require them here in Idaho...or so they say. I have been stopped once, still refuse to mount it up there though. Seems like cops like to pick and choose when to inforce it.
  12. sufikation

    Sufikation's Honda Adventure

    Me and a fellow member of my forum snuck away at our last meet and snapped this picture. If only my teg was lower I think the pic would look better.
  13. sufikation

    Suf's 95 Integra GSR aka Grimace

    Thanks guys. As far as the plate bracket goes, it was taken off the day after I bought the car, those pics are of its 1st day at the house. Im working on getting the suspension put together and should have all the parts sourced and install by sping. This is how the plate sits for now.
  14. sufikation

    Suf's 95 Integra GSR aka Grimace

    Thanks man, its the one Honda I will be keeping as long as possible. Now I just need to source a clean 88-91 Si and I will be happy...for the time being.
  15. sufikation

    What parts to use.

    Everything you need can be found im this section of the forum. Its a easy swap, just do a little research, good luck. Swap Articles - HondaSwap Forums
  16. sufikation

    Suf's 95 Integra GSR aka Grimace

    ...Black Energy Suspension Shifter Bushings Skunk2 Magnetic Oil Pan Drain Plug Suspension / Brakes Skunk2 Sport Shocks Skunk2 Lowering Springs * Front Spring Rate (Tender / Main): 173 lb-in / 520 lb-in * Rear Spring Rate (Tender / Main): 106 lb-in / 291 lb-in * Drop (Front / Rear): 2.25” /...
  17. sufikation

    Sufikation's Honda Adventure

    Its been a task and a half so far. Like I said, there is a local all automotive mega forum full of trolls and ass hats that rules the scene, but my forum as been able to do fairly well do to the fact that we have been able get a lot of the true Honda specific enthusiasts to be part of our site...
  18. sufikation

    What Happened to The Forums?

    I thought my return had just scared them off.
  19. sufikation

    Perfect Polly....... dafuq?

    Thank you sir. :cool:
  20. sufikation

    Sufikation's Honda Adventure

    Well its been awhile since I have been on hondaswap. I have been pretty busy in our local Honda scene running my own forum (a state specific Honda/Acura site) trying to build a community out of the local enthusiasts. Its a hard, long road, but our first year is almost behind us and we have built...
  21. Try your Search on Google
