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  • Users: tdg
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  1. T

    Radar detection

    FUCK! My ghetto 93 sube just cost me 900 / 6 mo. to insure. And i have a clean record, never even been pulled over, and i have deductions already like good student, mult. car etc. Thats a bitch. What really blows is i talked to the insurance peeps about a 99 Civic Si and it'll cost me fuckin...
  2. T

    Radar detection

    Thx for the info
  3. T

    Radar detection

    Nice info, thx for the replies I dont wanna buy anything online, But where have those of you who have it get it? I heard the number 300 gettin thrown around...not a bad price. Any suggestions for what / where i should get ?
  4. T

    Radar detection

    Does anyone know anything about radar scanners/detectors? Legality issues: I mean, they sell them at circuit city but I dont know what kind or whateve,r i just now started looking into them. So, do they tell you basically if some police radar is scanning around you? Does anyone have this...
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