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  1. Briansol

    email is currently down

    I actually hired a guy cuz i gave up trying to figure it out. dmarc, spf, dkim, default domain keys, reverse dns, yadda yadda, yadda.
  2. Briansol

    email is currently down

    I believe this is working now. check your spam folders and please mark us as not spam. it helps the big email providers algo's.
  3. Briansol

    2024 Solar Eclipse April 8th

    This guy also claps when the plane lands. :D I bet it was awesome if you were in the direct path. it just wasn't impressive here. it went from sunny to 'large clouds passing' dark for a few min, then back to sunny/overcast. no street lights, no weirdness, no cold.
  4. Briansol

    2024 Solar Eclipse April 8th

    got semi-dark here for a little bit. like, before a rain storm. super-lame. no where near 70%
  5. Briansol

    email is currently down

    Emails (outgoing and incoming) are currently not working. Contact us form, Thread subscriptions, PM notifications, and more all will not work. It has been this was for about 3 days now (since server upgrade) and I don't have a remedy yet. Actively working on it, please stand by. New users...
  6. Briansol


    Felt my first earthquake today. 4.8 out of Jersey is looks like. shook my whole damn house. At first, i thought it was the washing machine (which was running) which does shake the house a bit on certain cycles. then it got worse. then i open my office door... then my wife opens her office...
  7. Briansol

    93 hatch iab question

    IAB are only on gsr and some h22 intakes. wouldn't be on the d-series at all. What's actually missing?
  8. Briansol

    2024 Solar Eclipse April 8th

    1994, i was 14.. yeah, i guess that could be 8th grade middle school.
  9. Briansol

    2024 Solar Eclipse April 8th I'm looking forward to seeing at least some of it. I recall seeing a partial eclipse as a kid at school, must've been middle school, so 1993 ish? I remember they made us take 2 sheets of a paper, one with a small hole...
  10. Briansol

    2024 VW GTI 380 S

    ahh, but you had to explain it because you knew what i meant :D
  11. Briansol

    Cheap Windows 11 Pro

    There's a deal running until 4/2 for Windows 11 pro and home for under $25. I know must of us probably already have done the free upgrade from windows 10 to 11, but if you end up with a new build, this is a great way to get it on there legit and cheap...
  12. Briansol

    2024 VW GTI 380 S

    lol @ white flag.
  13. Briansol

    2024 VW GTI 380 S

    Ricer :D or is it Krauter?
  14. Briansol

    2023 wrx

    geeze man, nearly 15 years without a post! welcome back. nice ride. Also, move. lol no one should have multiple cars stolen.
  15. Briansol

    2024 VW GTI 380 S

    you're making 4psi at idle?
  16. Briansol

    Miata vs S2000 used car

    Get a RHD/JDM model and you can shift with the good arm.
  17. Briansol

    20 years of HondaSwap

    Also, i can't math. We're 22. X i missed a whole year.
  18. Briansol

    20 years of HondaSwap

    well, maybe we can at least talk about ohms and shit... pull 121 gigawatts out of it or something. :dunno: Can you bridge an EV to run in mono? :dunno:
  19. Try your Search on Google
