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  1. D

    Girl Stalker

    what makes it worse is that she did it not only to my car, but to my dad's demo car from the dealership, and mine and my dad's roadster... *Growls* <_<
  2. D

    Girl Stalker

    speaking of fucking with my car........... to late.... she ripped off the re view mirrors on my doors........ she now has a restraining order on her...
  3. D

    Girl Stalker

    jeffie7 what is it with you and anal sex.... r u sure ur not gay or something.. just had to ask
  4. D

    Girl Stalker

    her best friend isn't cute enough, and nither is she... word of advice.. never work at a night club! (i quit last night)
  5. D

    Girl Stalker

    How do you get a girl who says she is in "love" with me, vandlized my car (possibly) this morning, drives by my house with her lights off a night, and i have almost used the excuse saying something that most guys shouldn't say! HELP PLS!
  6. D

    USDM H22A

    i meant where can i find the pricing on a h22a usdm?? thanks
  7. D

    USDM H22A

    Hey guys, need helping finding a H22a USDM model... thanks
  8. D

    Any Techno Heads

    man some of u guys have problems.... go back to ur job assassin
  9. D

    Any Techno Heads

    well if u understood musical concepts u would get it wouldn't ya?
  10. D

    Any Techno Heads

    :werd: :ditto: :werd: it's people doing what they love doing, and having a good time, it's about doing what you love and getting paid for it
  11. D

    Any Techno Heads

    u like what you like, i like what i like, so why do you care what i like, the thread wasn't directed torwards bashing the style of music that you like, so why u go dissin on mine peace
  12. D

    Any Techno Heads

    scared of what? i know i make good money in this business, enough to pay for school, my house, and all the bills and not have to work an 8 hour job all the time. dylan
  13. D

    Any Techno Heads

    can we got a lock on this thread... if i would have known that this would have gotten this crazy, i wouldn't have said a damn thing.... peace dylan
  14. D

    What Should I Do?

    yeah in tx the h23 is not street legal *would make a fun drag engine*
  15. D

    What Should I Do?

    now be carefule with the H23.. i heard "not sure though" that the h23 dohc vtec is not street legal.... may want to check on that dylan
  16. D

    Any Techno Heads

    i can't stand dancing with glow sticks.. it's way to limiting on what one can do with their body
  17. D

    Any Techno Heads

    as i said earlier :ditto:
  18. D

    Any Techno Heads

    have any of yall ever seen a Live PA performance?
  19. D

    Any Techno Heads

    regarding that movie... i have been djing and raving for over 5 years... and that was the most fucked up scene.. pissed me off beyond compare that raves and parties like that are no where near any type of enviroment like that. and that guy with the photon on strings trying to be cool... i...
  20. D

    Omg Rofl!

    you have to wonder how much van desil got paid to hold the NOS bottle like that, so u know u could see the label?!? dylan
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