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  • Users: JDMilan
  • Content: Threads
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  1. J

    Pissedoff,,,,,,,,got pulled over

    well story starts out like this. Coming home from a bar "only had like 4 drinks over a 3 hour span" and i pull into my community "Boca". Well I approach a stop sign, I notice right away a cop across from me which has already stopped for the stop sign. So I wait.............and wait till he...
  2. J

    Old but laughed my ass off

    Just watching Godfather 2 when Sunny jumps out of the car to beat the shit out of his sisters husband, did it in broad day light in front of like 30 people.....funny as shit... :lol: :D :lol: gotta finish watching it now...
  3. J


    Just curious when these bastards will stop emailing shit like this out: got this in my email today. "MRS. NENE OMODIA # 8 Queens Drive Ikoyi Lagos. INTRODUCTION: l am MRS. NENE OMODIA l know this proposal will come to you as a surprise because we have not met before either physically or...
  4. J

    "Lost in Translation"

    Well just saw this movie and all I can say is that I plan on buying it tomorrow on DVD aswell, I even went out to buy the movie soundtrack. :thumbsup: it was really really refreshing to see this kind of movie, funny parts, serious parts, just great. I really enjoyed it and I recommend you go...
  5. J

    The DarkSide is finally here!!!

    Well I got my DSL modem today, hooked her up, had trouble at the start. For some reason I couldn't get shit to work with teh USB, but after talking wtih some people they told me to go with the Ethernet connection instead. So, without further adue, I am finally here, no more 56GAY!!!!!! adn...
  6. J

    Check out my new site!!

    Ok, just finished adjusting my new site, getting the domain name "thanks B" :thumbsup: and also having the hosting services and figuring out why their was such a clusterfuck of folders from the hosting company, none the less I want to know your opinions. The purpose of the site is to market...
  7. J

    happy Bday JDMilan "Milan"

    thats right fuckers, it's my bifday........holla at that mofo's. and no one posted it so for that said fuck ya'll and yes I am drunk and yes I can't type well for the JD. I tailgate everything for that matter. well I turned 25 today, hating life, but insurance rates are lower now which is...
  8. J

    Anyone gone Hunting??

    I have been thinking about going hunting and pretty much starting a new hobby for the past couple months. It seems to interest me. I have also noticed the expensive cost of proper guns and bows. Primarily what interests me is : Duck, Turkey, and Hog huntin I just applied for my Hunting...
  9. J

    Always wondered about that?

    just curious if there is a link or whats up with the "Cory Thompson Racing" on the home page, I always wanted to click the link but it never worked. Mods?
  10. J

    Suggestions on new ride??

    Yes, I am keeping my 240 BUT - by the end of this year 2004 I wanted to get another ride, used though. I was saving for an S2000 but the car just doesn't seem to fit me based on my criteria. Criteria -Reliable, Daily Driver, with some mods just for fun -AWD preferred, and must be able to...
  11. J

    OU vs. LSU

    So who are you guys cheering for? thus far it's LSU 21 and OU 14 with 6 minutes left to go. My best friend plays for LSU he is #3 Rathmann, not starting though :) GO LSU!!!!
  12. J

    So fucker up!!!

    Hey,k I just wanted to wish yoyu all a happy New year...phuckers...!!!! I just spoke with E, whatever,, happy new years.. :):)P Milan
  13. J

    Who's from Georgia again??

    I am considering some MBA programs in georgia, would appreciate any info into your experiences with these schools University of Georgia Georgia Tech Georgia State University Emory University thanks guys..
  14. J

    "The Mad Real World"

    I am sure that this is old but I was watching the Dave Chappel show and he was doing a skit on the real world, and I was just dying laughing at how one white kid from maine was with all ghettoed out black roomates,,,shit was way too funny, it was on comedy central. if you guys haven't seen it...
  15. J

    Club Racing Weekend

    Well I pitted again for my buddies race team, had a lot of fun at Homestead, Miami. The track is super clean, really nice, and best of all we got to use the true concrete paddocks with cover. My buddy raced this weekend with the PBOC "porsche bmw owners club" and there were tons of nice Cup...
  16. J

    FS: ODB1 GSR head complete

    Selling for a buddy of mine, a complete odb1 GSR head with valve cover, cams, intake manifold, TB, fuel rail, injectors, Distributor, etc.. No ecu though. head gasket, etc.. It came off of a running GSR motor from a sushi cook :) named Saki - like it matter who but it's all legit, shit I even...
  17. J

    Excessive Force??

    this is about the cops that beat that cocked up 350lb guy to death on the news? So do you feel from the video that the cops used excessive forece? I think judging from his size, cocked up blood stream, and attacking the cops, that he got what he deserved - unfortunetly death but I think...
  18. J

    Happy - Life is Good!!

    well, I went through a rough struggle for about 4 months after getting my degree from college. Upon May 2, Graduation -No J-O-B -No Girl -No Money -Parents want to throw me out asap -No Cell -No Car Now finally everything has come together. 1. Got a great job working for a pharma company...
  19. J

    Holy racing,,,this movie...!!

    Fliped the channed and noticed some crazy car racing "GTP" movie on TNT called Thunderbird, it's some japanese racign movie that has all the circuit and touring cars in it. It's bad ass, check it out.
  20. J

    Anyone else getting fat??

    WTF - ever since I stopped smoking cigs (May 2) and pretty much now stopped drinking every night (3 months ago) I went from 180 to now 200lbs. Granted I am 6'2" but the shit went right to my belly like a mini beer gut, WTF - no more beach days... Any one else gain a shit load of weight upon...
  21. Try your Search on Google
