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  • Users: B16
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  1. B16

    Matt's s2k Build (Project Mess2k)

    Is the oil cooler aftermarket? Surprised that material wasn't caught by the filter first. Ick.
  2. B16

    Death of the Automobile

    Sweet, buy more Tesla's so I can get rich. kthx
  3. B16

    Fires out West

    House is all good. :)
  4. B16

    Fires out West

    I've been hanging out in the rockies in CO for the past 2 weeks. I drive home back to SF area this weekend. :(. Hope my house is still there. lol
  5. B16

    2021 Ford Bronco

    I dig it
  6. B16

    Matt's s2k Build (Project Mess2k)

    I know you're busy with your new house, what is the latest here @Matts96HB ?
  7. B16

    I made my dive into vinyl tonight

    I still have my Technics 1200's in my rafters above my garage with a few crates of 90's hip hop. :p. I've been tempted to bring it down and fire it up. Haven't touched them for like 15 years.
  8. B16

    So i went solar...My experience so far

    I think they base that off your location; it is a best guess really.
  9. B16

    So i went solar...My experience so far

    We just updated our pricing on Tesla panels.
  10. B16

    Smart Home setups

    My front door is a keypad. Garage and lights are run through my smarthub and controlled by Alexa. I agree with others, I do not want Alexa unlocking my door. lol
  11. B16

    So i went solar...My experience so far

    Thats why you go in with 100 grand so you get both. :P Seriously though, you'll save money in the long run; either by staying long enough to where it ends up being cheaper than paying your utility or the money you get back +some when selling your home. C8 isn't going to last for shit. And...
  12. B16

    HF Jackstand recall

    makes sense
  13. B16

    So i went solar...My experience so far

    I don't think anyone cares about curb appeal in Solar. It increases your home value.
  14. B16

    HF Jackstand recall

    ya, take the gift card and buy some other tools that are not there to save your life instead. I'm not buying HF jack stands again after this.
  15. B16

    So i went solar...My experience so far

    Nice! I just went solar too. We had a crazy deal at work for employees using redeployed panels. I got an 11.4 kW system for $60 a month lease. Sometimes our electric bill was up to $400 a month (summer). Now my PG&E bill is $19 + my $60 Tesla Solar bill.
  16. B16

    Long time, no post.

    I want an S2K! :P. Good to see you again.
  17. B16

    HF Jackstand recall

    I have 2 of the 6ton I use on my LC. Scary!
  18. B16

    Craigslist, no old hondas

    He is asking $94k for it? jesus. I didn't think those things held their value that much.
  19. B16

    Craigslist, no old hondas

    There is a reason for that.. lol
  20. B16

    Matt's s2k Build (Project Mess2k)

    living the dream.
  21. Try your Search on Google
