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  1. C

    accord 1991 EX

    how much did u buy it for?
  2. C

    problem w/ my computer, help!

    my bad didnt see that. dang that sux i have no clue. u use this before so uninstall then reinstall the program
  3. C

    problem w/ my computer, help!

    ive had both of those before. the dell error report alot actually. they dont mean as much but in this case send report use the click here to see if u can solve ur problem thare
  4. C


    if u ever view this again i got ur races. DMI 515
  5. C

    can't get wax to stay on

    spring sounds good. new year new color
  6. C

    WTB cr-x ef parts

    so u got anything despain
  7. C

    what is a cradle on a cr-x???

    yea thats what they said. and it doesnt drive straight. its rubbing against the wheel well. and if im not holding on to the streering wheel it'll go which ever way its leaning towards. usually left
  8. C

    WTB cr-x ef parts

    lol if u wouldve gone back to the other thread u wouldve saw my list. ive got my parts. its tat damn cross cradle that messing shit up.
  9. C

    WTB cr-x ef parts

    well i found this guy on the forum who is parting his out. so i thin i got mostly everything i need. i needed control arms, spindles, struts, and engine cradle which i guess is actually a cross member on a crx. he has all those. and a few other goodies that r nice. but if u have any intakes...
  10. C

    stick shift lessons damage?

    so nothing wih the engine?
  11. C

    stick shift lessons damage?

    or too low of a revi mean my bad
  12. C

    stick shift lessons damage?

    exactly. even in parking lots. the people i seem to teach (even after showing and giving them all the pointers u can)rev up to high and r moving slow so they think thare fine and let go of the clutch. making one sudden stop. the kind u want to flip out on. what type of damage does this do to my car?
  13. C

    can't get wax to stay on

    then yea like they said. faded paint. maybe its just time for a paintjob. some nice fresh clear coat
  14. C

    can't get wax to stay on

    u live in washington. when did u try to do this? and what was the temperature? it might be to cold
  15. C

    what is a cradle on a cr-x???

    yea i didnt say the whole thing. just didnt understand cradle. the service statement from freedom after inspection says 2 FT wheels - bent R,lower C,arm - bent R,spindle - bent Boh FT struts L,spindle - bent Cradle - bent 15.90$ for inspection
  16. C

    stick shift lessons damage?

    I need to butt in. I see u all talk about clutch and flywheel damage, but what would the damage be on killing the car? This seems to be my biggest problem when i teach people how to drive stick.
  17. C

    what is a cradle on a cr-x???

    well the stock d16a6 is still n great shape. i need to be able to drive it period. im replaceing the bent control arms, spindles, struts, and now cross member. then that makes it driveable and ill just continue saving for that swap
  18. C

    what is a cradle on a cr-x???

    no sir i do not. im from iowa. they told me it wouldnt be worth fixing. saying it would cost in excess of 1000 for parts and labor. i laughed. cus now i found all the parts and even more than i need for 450.the question is if its a cross member. what work would need to be done?
  19. C

    what is a cradle on a cr-x???

    all they said was cradle - bent on my service report. engine cradle makes sense. but now im hearing its not even a cradle and now im lost. i found someone who is parting out a cr-x and i need to know what to ask for
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