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    Or when you pull up a 14 foot fish , while in a 14 ft boat.. Throw out some fish balls on the columbia, and fish on!
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    ATM Accident Video

    he's fine. hit more f the rear door, and hit the corner of the trailer. missed the hood completely.
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    What Pistol to buy

    I went through the same thing a few months ago, thought my collection needed another semi auto. hope you the best in your research. I took 6 months to decide what I really wanted/needed. I ended up with an M&P45... and haven't looked back since.
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    cell phone question

    could anyone clue me in on if the nokia n95 will work with verizon? It runs on wcdma, and verizon is cdma... it should work.... thanks in advance
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    Diesel Fuel for 46 cents a gallon?

    homebrew biodiesels been around for quite some time. My buddy makes it, I buy it from him for bout 1/gal. he just adds up the cost at the end of the month, and I pay 70%.
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    Presidential Canidate Quiz

    Luckily I live in a state that allows open carry, as well as concealed. I have had a few negative comments about openly carrying, usually snooty soccer moms asking If I'm an officer, when I mention no they rudely ask why I'm doing it. I point to the front page of the first newspaper I see...
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    Woudl you hit it?

    only time to be in pendleton is for the roundup.
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    deer kill

    that's why I drive a lifted dodge (the gnarly bumper helps too).
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    CarSwap time.....long read..... no kidding.

    900 is too easy... and I still get about 22mpg.
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    paper plane game...

    107.396m ranked 402,349 Edit: Then a 65.365, and a ranking of 79301
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    paper plane game...

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    Definatly one of the happiest days of my life

    orange is ugly, go white.
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    One Line Lyrics

    I'll take phil collins, for 500..
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    It's not bestiality,

    Oregon State and Local News / AP Wire | The Bulletin
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    Anyone have a traveling job?

    I travel the country doing store set up for lowes. Driving from coast to coast. I can be gone from home for months at a time. Month before last I logged 7000 miles on the company rig. Just me and the sirius!
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    Just a reminder

    Steak and bj day is coming around... Steak and BJ Day
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    I fell off a roof today

    Never fell off a roof, slid down some, rode a couple sheets to the ground though. When you sign on, it's just part of the job. After being in this industry since I was in diapers, one thing I've learned.... The big money comes when you own your business.
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    turlock ca

    My job has taken me to Tutlock, CA. I'm here 'till the 14th I think. anything fun to do around here??
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    Official:What'd you get thread?

    new lappytop, more time on the sirius, gift cards, and other stuff...
  20. Try your Search on Google
