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  1. T

    i found my soul mate

    I do realize people NOT from america are essentially dumb stupid and naieve.... but this is the 21st century. i guarantee you she will come over here, marry you, then once she finds out women have a little thing called "RIGHTS" she will divorce your ass to live the american dream. unless of...
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    HIya all

    what the fuck? i uploaded a picture into my gallery to use on here.... and after i uploaded it, it wouldnt give me the url to enter into the "IMG" tag.... Excuse me from hondaswap for the next 4 years while I attend a few Rocket Science classes at Harvard University... why does this shit...
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    uh, why hasn't anyone used the new gallery yet?

    new gallery? next you'll be tellin me women got the right to vote :lol: you crazy eastcoasters...
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    anti-IE propaganda

    ya but brian, u gotta realize the majority of pople on here arent as tech savvy as u are......with this being said, MAJOR CHANGE wont come for a long long time.... i use mozzilla.
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    FUNNY.... when I tried to find a field to leave feedback......i couldnt. when i tried to find an email address so I could tell the company just how much horsepower my car gained by using the car......i couldnt. so im guessing everyone who left feedback had called the company afterwards to...
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    Bribe "The Man"

    those stickers arent worth the shit they are printed on. if you believe you can talk a cop out of giving you a ticket, your best bet is to drop some names of his superiors, or do like i did once.... cop a "stuck up rich white boy" attitude and name drop the name of one of the captains of the...
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    Smily just for Tony D to use

    well we WERE married untill that hussie from Vermont (jeffie) rode up my driveway one day in his shining new crotch rocket and broke up a happy household..... now both of them are happily married in the only state that allows those kinds of marraiges. Good thing for me was I didnt realize...
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    check out this road rage

    that brings back bad memories bro.... for some reason i can still hear the sound of my head hitting concrete. this is another reason why i dont fight anymore. im just too fucked up physically and mentally to be a good fighter anymore. i was a rockem sockem robot back in my early 20's. now...
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    Smily just for Tony D to use

    Dude, are we resorting to "mom" jokes? Didnt that pass as being funny when you graduated 8th grade? Im going to take the high road and lay off your parents in this post bro, I had the pleasure of meeting them a while back, and they sure were a swell buncha fellas.....
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    check out this road rage

    still trying to get used to this new quote system... but I'm responding to the red part. Yes, back in 1996 I was running from the cops in a park, had my dress shoes on (just got off work) and hopped a 10 foot chainlink fence, only to loose my footing on the slippery wet ground at night and...
  11. T

    check out this road rage

    Hey dude, lets not fight. Instead, lets bend nick over and work out our differences upon his tight little asshole. :lol:
  12. T

    20-30K to run 11s? WTF ARE YOU SMOKING

    i got a better idea. save the 10k and put it as a down payment on a REALLY nice muscle car, or on a car worth building up that wont say to the entire world: HEY LOOK AT ME, IM JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. of course this only applies if your civic is your daily driver. otherwise, go balls out...
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    Smily just for Tony D to use

    ok dude, i think its time you get some NEW material, instead of continuosly borrowing off of that one dirty limeric site that shows all definitions shit like dirty sanchez and whatever else. and of course you know who your dad is. he is the same guy who left your mom and your bastardized ass...
  14. T

    check out this road rage

    no offense, but fucking rice rocket motorcycles and the douches who drive them (yes i know we can compare that to ricers and hondas.....but lets forget about comparisons for a moment) are a big pet peeve of mine. im always worried im going to hit one when they are driving in the vincinity of me...
  15. T

    check out this road rage

    and another thing.... im not sure how guys on motorcycles in the rest of the country drive.... but for the majority, they are a bunch of annoying obnoxious assfelchers who dart in and out of traffic, ride your ass and then get all pissy when you change lanes (when they are SAFELY two car...
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    check out this road rage

    dude, i stopped reading after like the second line. no offense but that thai chi shit just aint for good ol tonyd. im not coordinated enough, nor quick enough to learn that kinda shit. all i know is close the gap between me and the guy im fighting as quickly as possible and then go...
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    Smily just for Tony D to use

    A smiley holding up a sign that reads: ARE YOU MY DADDY? would suit nick best.....
  18. T

    check out this road rage

    "Im talking SUPER easy" elbow breaks Quoted post s'plain lucy for the rest of us non-martial artists....
  19. T

    check out this road rage

    and jeffie, i got a problem with this guy because you JUST DONT FUCKING get out of your vehicle/bike to go "talk to somebody" that fucker got what he deserved. in MY mind, if someone gets out of their car/off their bike during a road rage incident and approaches me, dude wants to fight me...
  20. Try your Search on Google
