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  • Users: klyph
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  1. K

    BIOS infecting, multi-OS, ultrasound-communicating malware

    I believe it's highly likely the Chinese have been cooking this type of stuff directly into the chips of consumer electronics for some time now. If you pwn the hardware, antimalware software is useless. We're living in an age where the greatest criminal threat to our prosperity is our own...
  2. K

    NYC - LA in 28 hours 50 minutes

    Elon Musk thinks he can get you from NY to LA in 45 minutes -
  3. K

    Obamacare-The New World Order

    Yeah that means they know how to channel government funds without expending any capital, not that they are competent or productive.
  4. K

    Obamacare-The New World Order

    The loudest complainers seem to be overweight smokers... weird. If I were in charge, I would shut down all medical facilities for at least 5 years and make practicing medicine for monetary compensation a felony during that time. All of a sudden, diet and exercise will make a strong comeback.
  5. K

    My 79 1200

    I'll bet it's a lot of fun to cruise around in that bad mofo. Flat top haircut, Reebok pumps, neon track suit, so fuckin bossy.
  6. K

    Obamacare-The New World Order

    It's interesting how effectively this serves as a divisive issue for the proletariat. It creates a class war between those that now pay more and those that now pay less. If you bow pay more, you can complain loudly and be proud of the fact that you are upper slave class, but if you are seeing a...
  7. K

    Obamacare-The New World Order

    Noncompliance. A word that sums up my world view.
  8. K

    Obamacare-The New World Order

    I think it's great people are finally realizing what a scam it is. Even some of my more liberal college student friends are reevaluating their opinions. My friends who work for a living already knew.
  9. K

    My 79 1200

    I still have it under a tarp. The fresh engine went into the integra and it needs $600 worth of custom cv axles that I just never saved up for. Now I have the cash, but the money hole is a lot deeper than just axles, so I'm holding off until I get a shop built. I should have it driveable right...
  10. K

    My 79 1200

    Sweet ride bro. Makes me wistful.
  11. K

    Patio Heater

    They should brand them as "Global Warmer".
  12. K

    Obamacare-The New World Order

    I prefer this one:
  13. K

    Celerity, Inc.

    One day, everyone will have a computer that fits inside a cubicle and no one will need paper for anything.
  14. K

    EBT glitch leads to Wal-Mart stampede

    If you mean drug prohibition, I agree.
  15. K

    Obamacare-The New World Order

    It all comes down to sticking a gun in the ribs and lifting the wallet.
  16. K

    Obamacare-The New World Order

    Serving a purpose, vague as that statement is, is not a parameter that precludes something from being a scam.
  17. K

    Scooby for Cel

    Grate running condition is when the pistons look like they've been through a cheese grater.
  18. K

    Obamacare-The New World Order

    Yes, a corporate product that absolves you of personal responsibility, let's make sure EVERYONE gets it!
  19. K

    Obamacare-The New World Order

    Part of the problem is, everyone thinks they can drink, smoke, skydive, fight in combat, and ride motorcycles until they're 127 years old. Humans break down way before we want to, but if we can just get everyone else to pay for that surgery that didn't exist 5 years ago, we can live a "full...
  20. K

    Obamacare-The New World Order

    Yeah and the stock market generates wealth how? It's all derivative. We've got scams that scam scams so that makes it ok? Or they invest in mortgages, don't get me fucking started on the banks/mortgage/property ownership scam. Oooooh but I'm a bad person if my family doesn't cash out when I...
  21. Try your Search on Google
