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  1. Zen Chameleon


    About 3 weeks ago it happened, I was driving home from work and I noticed this little hottie following me on the back road. I kept a close eye on this beauty in my review. The whole time I had naughty thoughts running through my head and I just had to see where she was going. I played it cool...
  2. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    Note to self: If you ever feel the need to change one of the titles to your photo bucket albums...DON"T... Pics fixed, Dang it!
  3. Zen Chameleon

    CAFROG's K20-R EGg

    He is a spam bot, please report him as I have. You can see his last post in my thread doing the same crap. Pretty smart I think, as long as we thought he's just an idiot he could have got away with it for along time lol.
  4. Zen Chameleon

    sigh... another build thread. but this one will also end without epicness

    I'm guessing it's a spam bot, just report it. He did the same thing in my thread aswell :mad:
  5. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    THIS GUY IS A SPAM BOT (of some sort)--> THIS IS THE REAL POST THAT HE STOLE IN ORDER TO LOOK LEGIT QUOTE--> ^^^Well you are an interesting spam bot arn't you!!! I KICK YOU IN THE BALLZ WITH THE REPORT BUTTON FOOL!!! :ph34r:
  6. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    I can't say I blame you there, but when is it ever complete? I had started this one a few months after I got the plan together and started buying parts. I "dislike" reading build threads where the first post is the "wish list"/plan" of all the parts they will buy or do, because 90% of the time...
  7. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    Yeah, we don't have that here :cool:. I'll have to dig around for your build thread sometime (if you have one???)
  8. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    I don't know, there is always a reason to go one way or the other with just about any choice. I'm happy with mine ;)
  9. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    Thankz! I'll end up paying roughly kbb value, which I thought was pretty fair honestly. Now I have to figure out all the tricks in swapping my soon to be motor in this car. The 96-97 Sol's seem to be a beast of thier own but shouldn't be too hard to get it done :cool:
  10. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    Bye Bye Hatchback, Hello Del Sol I'll miss you FEowna: Time for a fresh Sol! ('97 Del Sol 'S') Meet Delilah Soul: First post has been updated too. Real updates to come....slowly Engine build still in the works
  11. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    So everything is kinda on hold as far as updates go. I've been uber busy with work and crap and had some change of plans. I picked up a 1997 Del Sol "S", D16Y7 w/ 136k miles (not my ideal car but a big upgrade from the VX)and I sold the Hatch to cushion the blow. I thought about keeping the...
  12. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    Gotcha lol. Yeah, but it's a learning experience, I should have checked it for specs before I bought it and the same with the guy who sold it should have also done so. I did talk to him and he would gladly refund my money if it can't be used, so it'll work out one way or the other ;)
  13. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me grind it and it will either make it to specs or it won't. I can't really be mad about it as I've had alot of luck in buying used parts so far *knock on wood*, and if nothing else it will make a great lamp . The down fall to this news is that my EX tranny came from the same source, sooo I...
  14. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    Got 2 little packages today, one with the lanyard, and the other with the ES engine mount inserts. Oh, and I said screw the saving bit and packed up the block parts to go to the shop tomorrow. .
  15. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    Thankz lol! That's an interesting thing to comment about in a build thread, "I gotz that mad tyte JDM copper spray yo" hehe :p J/K!. It really depends, I may not even use it for the head gasket, it will for sure end up on the exhaust mani gasket though. So I got a pretty decent pay check today...
  16. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    Could be worse, it could've been called "Brown Streak" :rimshot:
  17. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    I know I know, we're all waiting for "REAL" updates. I have a few parts comming, and will have more on the way next week. I may even get this dang block in the shop soon. But untill then I got this crazy looking monster in the mail. It's made by Brownline (I never heard of them) and I only payed...
  18. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    The slow updates are killing me!
  19. Zen Chameleon

    My First Rebuild Y7/Z6 mini-me

    <---This Guy racked in 26 overtime hours last week too, so some shitt is about to go down!!! Yeah That's Right MoFo's I got my pistons in today:
  20. Try your Search on Google
