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  1. crxless

    RIP Boyd Coddington

    what are you talking about would two guys in a garage with shity tools and hangovers be better a nice ripe 18 month project. come on man those guys got the best of everything in that shop not one person does everything you got installation coming from every angle in that shop not to mention all...
  2. crxless


    invite only huh that sucks asi was so tyte i miss it i never stunt noob to all that but its cheap entertainment. so they still got spots to stunt ?
  3. crxless


    the asi boys been there wheres the new spot now its been awhile i always met up at the bucks on 249
  4. crxless


    wheres your humor at man
  5. crxless


    dang man what should i do do i need to file a report with the authorities
  6. crxless


    well im thinking about moving into timber lane in between hardy and aldine westfield north of 1960 know anything about that area
  7. crxless


    ok ok snap i didnt see the new new part i gotcha
  8. crxless


    ok but ive been there many times not that bad is it i know gunspoint is a few min away
  9. crxless


    ha ha no prob man proceeds go to Tony Sinclair Inc
  10. crxless


    ok ok im sorry i have a 2002 kawasaki zx9r motorcycle but i messed up the key when i jumped out of a sissor lift at work . now thats how you tanqueray
  11. crxless


    hate to burst you bubble but theres more than one 1960 and 45 and the one in harris county is known as spring
  12. crxless


    i got an o2 kawi zx9 but i fuked off the key jumping out of a lift the key snagged and bent i need to call a locksmith but anyways what kind of bikes did you have
  13. crxless


    ha im thinking about moving to spring
  14. crxless


    actually i live in atascocita north east outside of belt 8 and i wish someone would steal this pos mustang
  15. crxless


    oooo ok i didnt know what you were talking about thought you were being a meanie nah man thats a quote from joe dirt one of my favs
  16. crxless


    nah their locked in my closet
  17. crxless

    do I have a case?

  18. crxless

    It finally happend.......I'm jobless

    foose ftw thats cool man gl in your career
  19. crxless

    do I have a case?

    here in houston there wont me any appraising until you pay thats what my realator told me they were tired of getting ripped closing penaltys are a beotch especially when you give them more than reasonable amount of time to get it done id fight it till the end man
  20. crxless

    This guy is a real winner!

    jeez does he ever shut up damn man is he like sending his audition vid to 5th wheel or something
  21. Try your Search on Google
