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  1. Cashizslick

    Today's *smh* moment

    Funny how people seldom regret what they arent apprehended for.
  2. Cashizslick

    Today's *smh* moment

    she has the face of a kettle stirring witch.
  3. Cashizslick

    BMX Backflip 360

  4. Cashizslick

    Military, save your next check!

    I say shut it down. When people [most] realize life goes on w/out the government in full operation, they will realize how overrated most of what government does is.
  5. Cashizslick

    Military, save your next check!

    Topic creator stated that non commissioned officers might be in trouble. Now is a great time to start your own contractor business....
  6. Cashizslick

    Military, save your next check!

    Our president is holding the military hostage. He wont pay them until his leftist demands are met.
  7. Cashizslick

    Planet X, Elenin, Etc

    Yep. Basically this whole thing hinges on the "size" of planet x. If its as big as some people are saying, the gravitational effects could potentially be much larger than that of a comet. If its a comet, then the only thing thats going to happen is E gets free bday lightshow.
  8. Cashizslick

    Planet X, Elenin, Etc

    Well i just thought it was an interesting coincidence. There is always someone out there predicting the end of the world on such and such a date. I see about 10 of them a day here in NyC. Also there are a plethora of youtube vids out there on this same subject - this guy just sounded like...
  9. Cashizslick

    Planet X, Elenin, Etc

    Youll break more than the internet on that day :p
  10. Cashizslick

    Planet X, Elenin, Etc

    Not much has been said about this in mainstream news, so I figured Id post it here. A friend just sent me this video. Sept 4th, 2010 was the date of the New Zealand earthquake. Feb 27th, 2010 was the Chile Quake. March 11th, 2011 was the Japan Quake. On all of these dates, there was an...
  11. Cashizslick

    what scares you?

    Fixed :)
  12. Cashizslick

    Paul Ryan trying to save the economy

    And nobody in their right mind would ever argue that these people should be left to suffer and die.
  13. Cashizslick

    Paul Ryan trying to save the economy

    Well I was talking about people who think theres no way they can succeed, no way theyll ever get outta the ghetto, etc.
  14. Cashizslick


    That company was GE The GE-Obama affair, and Jeff Immelt GE and obama want the same things - crony capitalism... where the government is a huge “partner”.
  15. Cashizslick

    Paul Ryan trying to save the economy

    ^ Well a handicap in the mind is worse than in the body.
  16. Cashizslick


    All numbers that come from teh government are totally bs. I mean come on - they say the Chevy Volt gets 230 miles per gallon ! Even the IN CAR DISPLAY on the volt continue the propaganda by resorting to deceptive mathematics:
  17. Cashizslick


    Uncanny how everything in this video is coming true, especially about the wage increases/decreases. YouTube - Ross Perot Giant Sucking Sound
  18. Cashizslick


    You could say there is correlation between these graphs and obamas disapproval rating.
  19. Cashizslick


    If we yank up the interest rate and drastically cut taxes, things may improve. People will get paid more and have an incentive to save it, unlike now where savers are getting punished. Also, here are the 10 year charts: Gold Silver
  20. Cashizslick


    .... are screaming today. $1453 gold and $39 silver as of 1pm on 4/5.
  21. Try your Search on Google
